Chaineum acts as STO Advisor for Carthagea

3 min readMar 14, 2019


Chaineum, a France-based corporate finance advisory firm and a pioneering Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”) advisor, accompanies the first French law governed “Security Token Offering” (“STO”) on behalf of its client Carthagea.

A STO is a new fundraising trend consisting in the issuance of financial securities to be registered and eventually, in the future, exchanged on a blockchain. The STO of Carthagea will be carried out in compliance with the French ordinance №2017–1674 of December 8, 2017, and Decree №2018–1226 of December 24, 2018.

As part of this transaction, Carthagea intends to raise funds for a total amount of up to €100 million. It will be carried out through a private placement of ordinary shares to qualified investors individually investing at least €100,000, under the exemption on requirement to publish a prospectus provided by the Prospectus Directive, as transposed under French law in Articles L. 411–2 I 2° of the Monetary and Financial Code and 211–2 I 3 of the General Regulations of the French Financial Markets Authority(AMF).

“This is a unique opportunity for Carthagea to consolidate its position as a key player in the field of operating nursing homes for the elderly in Tunisia. Strengthening this geographical position will allow us to pursue the transformation of luxury hotels in the country to the benefit of dependent elderly persons who sometimes suffer from neurodegenerative diseases” said Alexandre Canabal, CEO of Carthagea.

In order to ensure optimal protection for investors and a perfect execution of the transaction, Carthagea is surrounded by well-known French experts. From the structuring of the transaction including the business plan and the information memorandum, to the registration of the newly issued ordinary shares into the blockchain, Chaineum supports Carthagea in the realization of this STO.

About Chaineum

Founded in 2015, Chaineum is a leading corporate finance advisory firm with a strong expertise in ICOs and STOs, and a strategic focus on both its clients’ business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).

About Carthagea

Carthagea is a French operator of nursing homes in Tunisia. Its geographical positioning has allowed the rapid growth of its innovative concept that aimed at partially converting luxury hotels into residential facilities for dependent elderly persons, sometimes suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, etc.). The nursing homes welcome both tourists and residents, and constitute intercultural living spaces where all generations meet. Residents are also helped on a full-time basis by dedicated medical assistants providing support for everyday activities. Finally, to ensure full transparency, cameras are present in the rooms of residents to allow families, via a dedicated smartphone application, to follow in real-time the situation of their relatives (vital signs, care plans and activities).

Legal advisors:

Carthagea and its founders are advised by Mr. Stéphane Daniel and Mr. Daniel Arroche, Lawyers at the Paris Bar.

Investor Relations

Laurent LELOUP




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Independent boutique investment bank, founded in 2015. Advisory & services: ICO, STO, DSO, fundraising, capital raising, corporate finance, M&A