The observable universe


Chakib Tsouli
2 min readOct 29, 2014

Science is a good Ego check for man. It proved we’re living in a split second of the ongoing age of the universe, it proved how insignificant and insecure we are against nothing but the wind or water when nature manifests its power on us, and it also proved that the atom is 99.999% empty space.

And to put that into perspective, the area in an atom that is actually matter/energy is only 0,001% of its global size, the rest is Nothing, no thing, it’s empty space, it’s indestructible, it’s everywhere, even space itself with all its splendidness and majesty, is also 99.999% empty space.

And when you look at your body, or that of Obama, Kanye West or even Sasha Grey, they’re approximately made of 7 Octillion atoms (that’s 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms), the number looks huge, and some of you might have never heard of it, but bear in mind that this 7 Octillion is 99.999% empty space; so you, or these people you look up to, people you respect, those you despise, the one you love, your mother, your father, yourself .. They’re all 99.999% empty space.

And this makes me recall one of Stephen Covey’s quotes “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Our bodies are just the tool we use to prevent our spirits from wandering into oblivion, by making a difference in this world with only 0.001% matter and energy.

Don’t let your body be a cage for your spirit, take control and use it like you should, free your spirit and leave something behind, your body will expire anyway, take the most out of it. And above all, don’t let yourself be fooled by how people look like … By the time you look at them, you’re looking at 99.999% empty space.


