Imperial Press Release

Champions Ascension
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


The Sleeping Karkadon was unusually quiet that morning. The city was still reeling from the events the night before. A massive party had been in full swing, celebrating the imbuement of the Prime Eternals. But something else had happened too, something more nefarious.

The Old Kark unrolled a scroll, and began to scan the words. He grunted loudly to himself. “Holy shit.”

Elmora roused from her mid-morning nap. “What’s it say?”

The Old Kark cleared his throat, and in an official voice, said:

From the Imperial Senate and the Holy House of Giotto, 27th Emperor of Massina:

Citizens of Massina, last night the peace of Massina City was shattered by an unprovoked attack upon the Houses of Life, Death, and the Arcane. A quiver of acolyte-assassins entered the sacred house temples and performed the outlawed Rite of Duplicity. These followers of the deceitful Titan Maiax succeeded in opening portals to the Titan’s dark army, who swarmed into our world.

As the horns sounded the alarm in each of the Houses, their strongest Champions rushed to defend the sacred altars, only to realize that it was too late. The rite had been almost completed, and the Prime Eternals of each House found themselves overwhelmed by the dark army, which swept through the defenses.

Credit is due to loyal Arcane priest Oriestes, who realized that the only way to disrupt the ritual was to attack in synchrony and close the portals opened in each of the Houses. Two message rebirdants were quickly deployed to the Houses of Life and Death, and the plan was put into action.

In total, ten thousand Prime Eternals stood and fought against the army of Maiax, which was legion. Suffering many casualties, the Prime Eternals kept the army busy while the portals were shut tight. At that point, the remaining Prime Eternals broke through the flanks of their foes and rained a lashing thunderstorm of vengeance upon them. Cut off from their source of power, the enemy was swift and soundly defeated by the faithful.

When the dust settled, we had sadly lost 2378 brave Eternal warriors, who were pulled into the lost dimension by our enemies, and we shall remember their sacrifice. But the surviving Prime Eternals, the heroes who triumphed, shall forever be known as “The Glorious 7622.”

These heroes shall forever be hallowed by Massina. I have granted them land and many other gifts to show our gratitude.

It is to be noted that a handful of the acolytes of Maiax skulked into the shadows and are now amongst us. Our very best Inquisitors have been assigned to the task of unmasking these snakes.

We must remain watchful, for now we know that the spineless and deceitful followers of Maiax are among us. They wish to bring down the world we have built, and replace it with chaos. But we will continue to build– our spires and towers will spite them, and we shall revel in our triumph. Glory to Massina, and hail the Glorious 7622. May they Ascend forever!

Elmora stretched. “The Glorious 7622, huh? That’s a good speech. If I got one critique — I think our boy Giotto’s being too nice. Those conspirators? Followers of Maiax or whatever? Where I come from, we call those kinds of people taint-eaters. The kind of people who sneak into your livestock and do nasty things, just to mess with the herd. Weirdos.”

Then she stretched out on one of the benches and closed her eyes again.

The Old Kark laughed. “Things are going to get more exciting around here in the next few months. We got new heroes, some sort of conspiracy right under our noses. I’d keep my eyes open if I were you.”

“Oh, most definitely,” said Elmora. ”Only, I’m not sleeping, Kark. I’m plotting my next move.”



Champions Ascension

Enter this action-packed Arena RPG & ascend the ranks! Collect unique Champions & hone their skills in the arena as you strive for eternal glory!