15 Jobs That Will Never Be Replaced By AI

Chan Priya
8 min readJan 3, 2020

Will AI replace all our jobs future ? Or will it help us to be better at our jobs ?

Image by Thomas Meier from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming smarter and more efficient than a human. Therefore, many jobs are going to be automated and replaced by AI in the near future.

Robots are really smart and have a low margin for error compared to humans. They can do many things better than humans. That is why so many jobs are being taken by machines. Machines are not only cheaper but they are less trouble also. As well, they wouldn’t ask for a raise or slack around and they would work 24/7 nonstop with no complaining.

However AI will never be able to replace all human jobs, but they will help employees to be better at some jobs which cannot be fully automated.

There are 02 reasons why they cannot be fully automated. The first reason is the limitations of AI. And the second reason is people don’t practically accept robots for some professions because of the risks involved in AI.

Therefore, some jobs will not be replaced because it is impossible to program everything man gets from nature into a machine. And some jobs will not be replaced because people prefer and trust humans over machines for those jobs.

What jobs will NEVER be replaced by AI ?



Chan Priya

AI Enthusiast, Data Scientist and Content Writer. Loves programming, training ML models, and writing about Data Science and Self-Improvement.