Top 40 UK Drupal agencies & service providers for contribution

Chandeep Khosa
4 min readAug 4, 2016


DrupalCon Barcelona sprint. Photo by Pedro Lozano

From time to time I find it interesting to review the service providers on the Drupal Marketplace to see who is contributing the most. It can be difficult to see them all at a glance so I started making this list to make it easier. Surprisingly this list now shows 108 service providers.

Ranking algorithm

The biggest ranking factor is code contributions so there are many others not on the list that still do great work for the Drupal community by organising camps, meetups and sprints. I look forward to expanding its ranking algorithms to be able to measure these as well.

At present the algorithm is 1) contributions in last 90 days, 2) supporting partner status, 3) alphabetic sort.

I’m really looking forward to seeing other factors affect ranking soon such as speaking at /organising / sponsoring Drupal camps and DrupalCons, and case studies.

Also the code contributions are taken from the last 90 days and what has been reviewed so far. Some work on the issue queues can take a lot longer depending on complexity, discussions and who needs to review the work.

In some peoples opinions some of these providers don’t really belong on this list as they don’t have permanent UK offices but that is part of a larger discussion on moderation which I’m aware people are working on.

Of notable significance

At 21st place, Open Development is doing very well against other larger agencies considering it is the self employed business of Rachel Lawson (rachel_norfolk). I meet her regularly at contribution sprints all over Europe and she shows if she can make time for it as an individual, the rest of us we could definitely be doing a lot more to contribute as larger teams. She has been credited with an impressive 2 Drupal 8 core issues & 2 contrib issues in the past 90 days.

At 20th place I’m also very glad my own 1 person company, Imagine Creativity. I gained 3 Drupal 8 core issues while at Drupal Dev Days Milan and another 1 working on the Bootstrap contrib theme.

At 15th place Ymbra are doing exceptionally well as a small team of 6 considering many of their ‘neighbours’ have 20–40 people teams.

The numbers in brackets are the number of people that have profiles and are correctly linked to the company profile. In some cases this is incorrect as company names have been misspelt and not connected.

  1. Acquia (581)
  2. Lullabot (47)
  3. Cybage (34)
  4. Drupal Jedi (74)
  5. FFW (205)
  6. Deeson (17)
  7. Wunder Group (169)
  8. Appnovation (57)
  9. CapGemini (227)
  10. Computer Minds (14)
  11. Torchbox (25)
  12. Annertech (11)
  13. Emergya (27)
  14. Microserve (15)
  15. Ymbra (6)
  16. System Seed (9)
  17. CTI Digital (45)
  18. Lemberg (20)
  19. Tata Consultancy Services (181)
  20. Imagine Creativity (1)
  21. Open Development (1)
  22. Zoocha (24)
  23. IXIS (18)
  24. AUSY (30)
  25. Intellix (10)
  26. Agile Collective (7)
  27. Cogapp (4)
  28. Curve (2)
  29. Mirum Agency (32)
  30. More Onion (7)
  31. NDP Studio (15)
  32. Pro People (54)
  33. Sogeti (31)
  34. Sprintive (5)
  35. Exove (42)
  36. Atenea Tech (5)
  37. Big Screen (2)
  38. Cameron & Wilding (16)
  39. Clearwater Development (10)
  40. Code Enigma (16)

See the rest of the list here

What are your thoughts on this list? Are there any you are surprised that are included or excluded?

Screenshots from the 1st page (first 25 companies)

I’ve included these as a historic snapshot as this article will soon become out of date in the fast moving world of Drupal contributions :)



Chandeep Khosa

Freelance #Drupal 8 & Front End Developer | #Drupal8 Core contributor | Organiser @DrupalWLondon