Globalization Today

Chandler Davis
2 min readApr 16, 2016


African Migrants To Europe

Globalization: involves the movement of people, ideas, and information across national boundaries. Examples of globalization include but not limited to Amazon, FSU study abroad program, and immigrants moving from one part of the world into another.

Globalization has been a key factor in the development of the 20th and 21st century, connecting planet Earth like never before. However, like most things- there are pros and cons to every action. The immigrants that have been moving into Europe are not finding enough jobs for the thousands coming in, because many of these countries they are residing in do not have the economic stability and jobs readily available. Because of this, these migrants find “work” selling selfie sticks and fake designer bags on the street, an example seen everyday in Florence, Italy.

As the world watches hundreds of thousands of Syrians crossing into Europe from the east, territories north of the Sahara are filling with comparable numbers of Africans determined to make their own entrance. — Joe Parkinson

With international media keeping an eye on the Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Europe; thousands upon thousands of migrants are looking to plant their feet on European soil. Many Africans are moving and placing themselves in Morocco looking to cross The Straight of Gibraltar. Forcing The European Union to spend billions of Euros to place a fence on the Spanish boarder to keep the thousands out. This large movement of people is causing huge problems in Morocco.

Tensions with some locals are rising: “They are everywhere. And they make too many babies,” complained a 50-year-old woman, living down the street from The Titanic. “What’s more, they bring in diseases from their country.” -Wall Street Journal

Migration has been a part of human history since the birth of time, an act of continuously moving to create a higher chance of survival for man and his family. Examples through history include migration of Mesopotamians into what is now Europe and Asia, migration of Romani in the 1400’s, and African Americans after World War Two (The Second Great Migration.) But now day’s the problem is even greater.

There will always be movement of people, and ideas, and information shared internationally-now easier than ever with social media. People, as our history shows will continue to move if it means survival. Europe will be continuing this battle a negative globalization as the boarders continue to swell with people, but there will also be a continual need for globalization in a more positive light. College students traveling and studying learning as much as a country has to offer, a sandwich shop Antica Noe becoming international by opening a shop in New York City. Globalization is all around, but people need to be wary of both positive and negative features that are involved.

