MCN Spotlight: Channel Frederator

— Network Key Stats

3 min readAug 12, 2015
  • Channels: 2,000
  • Subscribers: 25,000,000
  • Views: 5,600,000,000

MCN Spotlight is a new series by Inside ChannelMeter. It features reports of different YouTube MCNs to shed light on this new digital industry.

In a Multi Channel Network that boasts two thousand members, you’d think a partner channel would rarely receive enough attention to feel noticed. But Channel Frederator, YouTube’s hugely successful cartoon and animation MCN, ensures exactly the opposite occurs.

As Matt Gielen, the Director of Programming and Audience Development at Frederator Networks, wrote in his March 2015 Tubefilter article, “The creator always comes first.” And so far, Frederator has yet to go back on its word.

In Good Company

Channel Frederator works tirelessly to give every channel in its network as much individual attention as it needs to be successful. As a result, Frederator fosters a sense of community within its partners that includes everyone, no matter how small the channel. And when creators feel included and receive feedback from partner managers, their channels ultimately start growing.

In a May 2015 interview with ReelSEO, Gielen explains how Frederator reaches out to its creators: eight monthly Google Hangouts, monthly newsletters, live streams with professional animators.

What’s more, Frederator’s open-door policy allows for any creator to get in contact with the entire organization, including their CEO, Fred Seibert.

In addition, Frederator’s community managers and programming experts train between 15 and 20 creators every quarter. The creators are taught the necessary functions of successfully operating their own channel, which includes programming, marketing and collaborating.

Through collaborations, Channel Frederator Network brings its creators new ideas and help from other partners. And when creators can easily communicate with their managers, they’re given inside access to tips and tricks on how to grow their channel. For Channel Frederator Network partners, this communication has proven extremely beneficial to their channels’ growth.


We took a peek at some of Channel Frederator Network’s top channels with between 10 thousand and 100 thousand subscribers. When we compared their growth over the last quarter, we found the median subscriber growth of Channel Frederator partners was 50% more than that of other YouTube channels. And in terms of view growth, Channel Frederator partners outperform other channels, too.

Proudly Promoting

While some MCNs have earned mistrust within the YouTube community by appearing overbearing, there’s no hint of Frederator taking control of its channels’ content. Rather, it always broadcasts its pride in what its creators do.

Through two of its shows, Toonsday and Saturday Morning Cartoons, Frederator promotes four to six channels from the network on a weekly basis. It also promotes 45 to 50 channels a week using accounts on its seven social media platforms.

Channel Frederator Network has mastered the art of community engagement and is harnessing it for its own success. The numbers don’t lie: in the second quarter, the network boasted 285 million monthly views and had an average monthly view growth rate of 25%. With its median subscriber growth surpassing other channels by 50%, it’s no wonder this is one of the fastest growing networks on YouTube. Clearly, Frederator’s approach is working — and we can’t wait to see where it will end up in the future.




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