Case of The Monday Blues….. When The Chaos Takes Over

Queenie Wei
2 min readOct 30, 2017

I feel as though I’m not mentally in the game. This game of entrepreneurship, it’s exhausting and yet the irony is that it’s only ever exhausting when I’m avoiding the work I need to be doing.

I can now see where scheduling is becoming a nuisance, or rather a weak area. In my own mind I believe I’m soooo good at scheduling that I don’t ever need to do it. However, the opposite is true as scheduling provides me a dedication of time towards a certain element or aspect that I need to focus on. Much like Rivitt Collective’s self journals. Time blocking, it amazes me how well it works when it’s put into practice.

I am telling myself that I am out of the game and perhaps the secret undertone is “I’m not enough”. Knowing now that “I’m not good enough” is nothing more than a story and whatever meaning I, myself associate with it. It doesn’t make it any easier.

When we take courses in personal development, life, coaching, we somehow always go in with the expectation that knowing is going to make it easier for us to accomplish the hurdles of life. We seem to buy into this illusion that because we’ve got the experts on our side that the challenges we were meant to face will diminish.

Only now, am I actually starting to see that “easier” is nothing but a story. Easy, doesn’t exist. I recently created a hashtag for my business, Soul Vibe Consulting, #SimpleNotEasy. I’ve found that principles in business, the strategy and more importantly the execution of it all is, in fact, simple. The emotions associated with it, the human aspect (myself) is what’s difficult. Fear. Fear of other’s opinions, fear of my own opinion & expectations of myself. And of course, knowing is never the same as doing. We’ve established that now, right?

The irony is I remember sharing this with an artistic client of mine, 6 months ago. If you sit and plan for the next 3 months & I go out there & do for the next 3 months, who do you think will end up further ahead? Me. Action will always trump perfection. It’s #SimpleNotEasy.

Came across a meme on Instagram that said “Success” is usually more about doing the things you know you should do….. Not learning the “Secrets” that you don’t know — Darren Rowse

Yet, we all sit around pretending that we’re all just waiting to learn all the “secrets” before we start. In reality, that’s just your fear talking. I know this because this is my fear talking, writing this blog vs crafting messages to generate sales.

Chalking this up to a case of the Monday Blues… Back to it. #ChaosHarmonized



Queenie Wei

Entrepreneurial Glamour is overrated — I choose to document my real journey. #SoulVibe #ChaosHarmonizer #SocialEntrepreneur #SlothAdmirer