Retro Review- Police Story (1985)

Charles LaMay
2 min readJan 6, 2024

In all my years of watching films somehow Police Story has slipped through my watchlist, that is until recently. It’s a great film from start to finish and deserves all the acclaim it has received, directed and co written by Jackie Chan the movie won best picture at the Hong Kong movie awards in 1986 and nominated in many other categories, going into this film I thought it was a going to be a serious film but boy was I wrong. I would like to get one thing out of the way before I continue, this is not a spoiler review by any means, I would like my readers to witness the movie for themselves and not be spoiled if they haven’t seen it yet, this review and all my reviews going forward are just my opinions and rating of the film itself. Now back to the film itself, like many of the cop films of this era it follows the same formula, it’s an action comedy film with a simple storyline and is extremely fast paced. Which is completely fine and is masterfully done by Jackie Chan and his team, the movie keeps you entertained from start to finish.

Another extremely high point is the fight choreography, it’s Jackie Chan at his finest, and the best part is we get Jackie Chan doing Jackie Chan things throughout. The last 30 minutes is pure adrenaline and this movie is not to missed if you are a film buff or you really enjoy foreign film and martial arts films like I do, like I said before I don’t know how this film slipped through my catalog of films but I’m glad I got around to it because it’ll definitely be one I revisit. The movie spawned 3 sequels and 2 reboots which I’m excited to jump into and review.

As far as the rating goes it’s a definite 10/10 and is a must watch especially if you are Jackie Chan fan.



Charles LaMay

Just a writer that loves movies, video games, and comic books.