Thesis: Flying Robots

Team CRV
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2016
Photo by Richard Unten used under Creative Commons.

The Drone Revolution is in its infancy.

In 5 years or less, we will come to view today’s state-of-the-art systems such as the DJI Phantom as the equivalents of the IBM PC 5150 and the Apple Lisa. Much like the early hobby days of the PC, manual flying by humans will become a niche activity, and the major innovation will happen with fully autonomous drones that are really like flying robots, carrying a wide range of sensors and performing valuable services, from the mundane “Triple D” (Dull, Dirty, Dangerous) jobs to new forms of entertainment, to moving people and goods, to things we cannot even imagine today.

Please contact Izhar Armony if you are interested.



Team CRV

CRV is a VC firm that invests in early-stage Seed and Series A startups. We’ve invested in over 600 startups including Airtable, DoorDash and Vercel.