Babes in the Woods Murders

Charlie O'Brien
13 min readFeb 21, 2022

The ‘Babes in the Woods’ murders, is the unusual and disturbing Canadian cold case, where the skeletal remains of two murdered children were discovered in Stanley Park, Vancouver in the 1950s. It was believed that the two children had been murdered around 1947. The police had no suspects in the cold case, and for more than 70 years, they weren’t able to identify the children’s identities. It was a grisly unsolved murder that had shocked and upset Canadians for decades.

On January 14, 1953, a group of groundskeepers had been clearing brush in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. One of the workers, who had been working near Beaver Lake, had accidently stepped on something hard, and when he bent down to investigate, he realized that it was a child’s skull. It was a horrifying discovery.

They quickly alerted the Vancouver Police. When the area was searched, the Vancouver Police discovered the skeletal remains of two young children. They had been dead for a few years. Their bodies had been covered with leaves, and soil. The children were lying in a straight line, their feet together, heads on opposite sides. They had been covered by a woman’s rain cloak. It was a heavily wooded area, with lots of brush, and likely contributed to why the bodies weren’t discovered straight away.

There were several items identified at the crime scene. The children’s clothing, and…



Charlie O'Brien

Charlie O’Brien is a freelance writer of fiction, and non-fiction, and also a poet. He loves writing author biographies, and articles about true crime.