Fuck AI!

Cheeky Fest
Cheeky Fest
Published in
8 min readMay 8, 2018

I don’t want AI.

I want

H.I. — Human Intelligence
E.I. — Emotional Intelligence
R.S. — Real Stories
M.I. — Musical Intelligence

Or what Fucking Gary Fucking V goes on about all the Fucking time — EQ

I don’t want to chat to a bot. If I’m chatting with a bot, I’m not chatting with a person, ergo, it’s not SOCIAL media. It’s just … Well what would YOU call it? UNsocial media?

Ex 1; What, Who, WHY, WHERE, When, How much / [Link] / PREVIEW

Ex 2; [Link] / PREVIEW

I was thinking about what (would) make(s) me engage with — look at, listen to, watch, read, comment on, share — a post on social media a few days ago and i concluded that I want to see a post that

Connects the Poster with the Post

for example — This is a song *I* wrote
for example — This is a band *I’m* managing
for example — This is an event *I’m* organising


Connects the Post / Poster to me;

i.e. Something that the poster & I have in common

for example — we both play piano
for example — we both suffered from depression
for example — we both live in Kingston Upon Thames
for example — we both love the band Queen

Would you rather connect with, have a conversation / drink with someone — a person / Human and then discover that they are a Musician, or discover a (song) you like and then meet the Musician who created it and hope that they are / find out what makes them Human? Most Musicians are in fact Human.

Is it OK to post a Link without an introduction, without starting to explain who you are / what the link is, why you posted it, why anyone should check it out?

Noah Peterson

“It depends. Sometimes it’s short and sweet, or just the facts. Sometimes it’s nothing, sometimes it’s a couple of paragraphs. I think varying it up, especially if you post in groups regularly is a good way to keep it interesting. Although keeping it to a descriptive sentence or two that includes why you think it’s important is always a winner.” ( link )

You can post a Link in 50 Facebook groups and 2000 people might SEE it but if only 2 people Engage with / Listen to / Watch / Read it, is it worth the “effort”? Surely it would be more fruitful, productive, effective, SOCIAL, to consider what / why / where you’re posting and spend 5 minutes creating / crafting / writing an introduction to the link including answers to at least SOME OF the following;

WHO are YOU? WHERE do YOU live? What do YOU do?

(How) are YOU involved / why YOU like it / why are YOU going to the event

WHY are YOU sharing it = WHY should anyone ELSE read / listen to / watch / share it?

WHAT are you sharing?

Why are YOU sharing it?

And then post it in 5 groups

Would you rather have 5 friends or 50 acquaintances?

If Content is Queen, then Context is King

If you connect with someone on (Twitter) and they ask you to (email them) — tell them who your name, tell them that you connected with them on twitter, tell them where you live, tell them what you’re working on, maybe even include (part of) the conversation you had on Twitter.

“Hi Rupert. Thanks for reaching out [ WHERE? ] to me [who are YOU?]. So I kind of feel that Spotify offers me the most potential as a independent artist. Doesn’t require sales just getting people to listen and have your steams counted. How can someone like you assist me?”

Sales = ?

Getting people to listen = ?

If you cannot be bothered to TELL people how much YOU care about YOUR (music), why should anyone ELSE care about it enough to listen to it? I used to delete posts in the Cheeky Promo Facebook / Google+ groups that were just links with no introduction / context because they seemed lazy, un-caring, even rude — but now I use these posts as an opportunity to educate people about social media so that they can be more SOCIAL.

I was having a conversation with someone on LinkedIn. They said “I wish I had a manager” so I started to ask them some questions about what they were doing, how, where in order to find out if / how I might be able to help them find a manager

Rupert Cheek; What are you working on?
Davide Sciacca; Concerts, recording, lectures
Rupert; How are they going?
Davide; Not bad. I wish I had a manager.
Rupert; Why?
Davide; It would be easier for me.
Rupert; How many concerts are you doing? How have you got those gigs?
Davide; Are you a manager?
Rupert; No. Where are you doing concerts / lectures? What are you recording?
Davide; Everywhere someone is interested in it. I recorded with a countertenor two weeks ago.
Rupert; Recorded WHAT?
Davide: < album cover >
Rupert: How many concerts are you doing? How have you got those opportunities? Where are you doing lectures? What are you talking about?
Davide: Maybe 60 per year.
Rupert; Okay
Davide: 👍
Rupert; and the other part of the question?
Davide; Universities, organizations. Music, language and music, guitar…
Rupert; Is each lecture at a different venue? Do they come to you? Do ask them if you can do a lecture there? Does someone refer you to a venue / a venue to you?
Davide; Sorry, why these questions?
Rupert; Good luck. Good night
Davide; …. Boh
Rupert; …
Davide; I can’t understand why all these questions
Rupert; Why not?
Davide; Good night
Rupert; DO you want help or not? What do you a think a manager would say to you?
Davide; Yes but I don’t know who you are.
Rupert; And I don’t know who YOU are — hence the questions People cant help you if they don’t know you / what you do / how
Davide; What do you do, if you are an organizer, professor, musician…
Rupert; I’m a promoter, and I help people with social media
Davide; Are you a manager or not?
Rupert; I have been a musician — piano and drums are my instruments. You asked me, and I answered
Davide; Maybe I didn’t get the answer
Rupert; No, I’m not a manager
Davide; So. Now it is clear. Tell me what would you like to know.
Rupert; Is each lecture at a different venue? Do they come to you? Do ask them if you can do a lecture there? Does someone refer you to a venue / a venue to you? Where have you done lectures so far? what has the response been?
Davide; Usually yes. But in my city I gave some lectures in the same place. They asked me to do it for invitation but sometimes I asked for someone interested in my proposals
Rupert; OK
Davide; Usually a very good response
Rupert; and how long are the lectures? Is it just you talking? Are there any videos of any of your lectures?
Davide; Especially about Italian as the language of music. Or the contemporary repertoire for guitar in Sicily
Rupert; so they are part lecture, part performance, or only lecture?
Davide; From 1 to 2 hours. Often I play. I have some video, but in Italian. Usually part lecture and performance or video.
Rupert; OK — and you’ve only done this in Italy? or in other countries as well?
Davide; University of Liverpool
Rupert; Great
Davide; And Italy
Rupert; How did the Liverpool opportunity come to you?
Davide; I received a PhD offer from UK for one of my topics.
Rupert; Did you accept?
Davide; Not yet. I have to complete my work here. I am a professor in a conservatoire and a music institute.
Rupert; Okay
Davide; Maybe I will go in April or July.

Another conversation with someone else on LinkedIn

LILY: Any social media tips for small businesses?

RUPERT; What’s your business? What social media have you been doing so far?

LILY; Market Research size guide. I have been using the usual so Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn as well as YouTube occasionally. Just looking for ways to encourage engagement!

I haven’t actually started doing the social media as of yet, currently working on a social media audit for the company and will begin posting as of next week. They are yet to really properly use social media platforms so there is a lot to work with… was just wondering if you had any advice or tips! …..

RUPERT; IN which case, my first tip would be “to do”. How can you audit what isn’t there? May main tip generally is to DO — regularly, frequently, and to BE Social

LILY; I totally agree with you. I would love to DO and then show how it social media has benefited, the company however would like to see first hand what I will be doing (which I can understand). Thank you for the advice I will definitely be putting it into practice!”

Art — If — I-cial — InTELL — I- gence / Social — Media

I did a part time music biz course at The ICMP in London in mid/late 2014 and one of the tutors said

‘There are 2 parts of the Music industry / business; The music and The people’

How did you start / develop a conversation the last time you met someone in person, in real life?

What was the first topic of conversation?
When did you realise you did / didn’t want to remain connected?
What did you have in common?
How could / did / do you help each other?
At which point did you become friends?
How about Social Intelligence?
WHY do YOU use SOCIAL media?

artificial ≠ social

I invited 20 thousand people to join a Mighty Metwork;

Cheeky Promo helps musicians & music startups / businesses by encouraging, inspiring, empowering, educating them to do what they love by providing knowledge, connections and resources and educating them about social media.

Do you LOVE music? Are you a musician, music teacher, artist manager, music publisher, label manager, venue owner or a music entrepreneur? Would you like to build relationships with, learn from, be inspired / motivated by other music lovers, musicians & entrepreneurs? Join us and become even more Mighty. Try 30 Days Free. Just $14.99/month after your Free Trial Ends. Cancel anytime.

One person replied

“Hi Rupert, you embarrass me, when I have the ability to help & assist you, you ask for payment. d”

Why didn’t they tell me HOW they could ”help and assist” me?
Why didn’t they decide to join for free and SHOW me HOW?
Are they assuming that * I * can’t / won’t help THEM?

What’s ‘embarrassing’ about asking for money in exchange for providing value / time / skills / knowledge?

And as for AI music, well…fuck that too!

There are a number of startups using AI to enable people to ‘create’ music. I interviewed one of the founders of one a few years ago.

What IS music?
WHY (do we create / love / listen to) music?
Why do we start / join bands, quartets, trios, groups, ensembles, orchestras, choirs?

It’s a way to Express yourself, Communicate with and Connect other PEOPLE. If the music is being ‘created’ / produced by a computer / AI, then doesn’t that heat many of those points?

