Ancient Stories of Cheemsverse

2 min readJun 6, 2023


Chapter 1: The Origin

The birth of the Cheemsverse can be traced back to the mirth of the Cheems Creator. It was an entity of incomprehensible power and wisdom, a primordial force whose laughter was said to weave galaxies and whose tears could birth stars. As the Cheems Creator reveled in its own joy, a ripple of pure energy exploded forth. The aftermath of this cosmic merriment led to the genesis of an extraordinary universe, bathed in the shimmering hues of infinite galaxies — the Cheemsverse.

Within this nascent realm, an array of vibrant echoes danced. These were not merely remnants of sound but living embodiments of the Creator’s joy, resonating with pure cosmic energy. As they twisted and turned in an ethereal ballet, these echoes began to coalesce, gradually taking the form of entities that were the first of their kind. These were the Cheems, ethereal beings of pure cosmic energy, each carrying a spark of the Creator’s joy within them.

Shaped from the fabric of creation itself, these first Cheems radiated an innocent curiosity and an unyielding spirit. Their eyes, mirrors to the cosmos, sparkled with the promise of untold stories and yet-to-be-ventured adventures. Their laughter, like the sound of a thousand twinkling stars, echoed throughout the Cheemsverse, painting the canvas of the universe with shades of joy and wonder.

Thus, from the heart of the Cheems Creator’s joy, sprouted the seeds of the Cheems tribes, each tribe an epitome of a unique characteristic of the universe. They were not born of the cosmos; rather, they were the cosmos itself, its childlike laughter, its endless curiosity, its capacity for boundless love, all taking shape in the form of the Cheems tribes.

