Learning to be a Product Manager | Day 15

Cherry Tan
2 min readMay 5, 2017


It’s really interesting to see how my feelings flow and change. Yesterday I was down like hell, and this morning was the same, but gradually when it came to the afternoon, things got better and I felt better.

Human beings are strange, man. When darkness strikes you, all you gotta do is hang in there and try to learn from it — get some validated proof. So… to be back on track, there’re actually a few reasons that lead to my better feelings, and the most contributing one is:

I was challenged to do something that’s new and interesting to me at the same time.

And this is something that could really “turn me on” in a very good way. I got very energetic and was very happy to welcome the challenge. It gave me an opportunity to think deep into some logic and algorithm, and they will all add up to serve the final purpose — to make a wonderful product. Although it’s not easy, and actually brain burning, I felt happy. This is the way I wanted things to go in an startup.

This year, my company is expanding its product lines, trying to take more market in mobile education. I’m happy to join it and start my first job, it’s just that I need more challenges, more tough tasks, more hardships…😑

I have to GROW as fast as possible. It’s in my blood vessel. It’s my hunger and my bread. I crave for it.

I hope to graduate as soon as possible and settle down all these things, so I can start working full time without any distractions. But for now, I guess I need to be a little bit patient and learn as much as possible even if nobody cares or watches.

I’ll try to adjust myself this weekend. See you next week.

Hang in there and have some fun.



Cherry Tan

Loyal follower of curiosity and passion. Life-long learner.