5 Reasons Women Choose Smaller Implants

Chicago Breast & Body
3 min readDec 10, 2015


It’s the question that every woman considering implants must answer: how big should you go with your breast augmentation? Large implants may be a popular choice for women wanting to get the most bang from their implant buck, but the beauty of cosmetic enhancement is that there are plenty of options available to suit the needs of nearly every woman. This includes breast augmentation that uses smaller or moderate sized implants — contouring options that provide several noticeable benefits over larger implant styles.

1. Less Back Pain

As many women with naturally large breasts can verify, a generous breast volume often go hand-in-hand with back pain. This is why breast reductions are so popular — women with large breasts are usually eager to find some relief from the discomfort they live with every day.

Smaller implants can offer a step up in breast size while still keeping breast-related back pain to a minimum. After all, the point of your implants is to give you confidence, comfort and an appearance you’re happy with. These goals are hard to reach with painfully large implants dragging you down.

2. Natural Appearance

There’s no getting around it — huge breasts can throw off a woman’s natural proportions. While some women may appear completely natural with large implants, others simply don’t have a figure that supports a large breast size. Smaller breast implants are a great way to enhance your natural curves while still maintaining a well-balanced physique.

3. More Clothing Options

Diversifying your wardrobe may not be your primary concern for seeking breast augmentation, but there’s no denying that implants can add enough breast volume to let you expand your choice of lingerie, tops and swimsuits. Women who choose small implants will have a much easier time finding well-fitting clothing, than their large-breasted counterparts.

4. Easier to Move

One of the biggest problems reported by women with large breasts is how difficult everyday physical activities can become with breasts that may get in the way. Large breasts can interfere with even the most basic of motions and make fitness-boosting exercise a bigger chore than it already is.

Smaller breasts provide a middle ground where women can add some volume to their chest while still maintaining a moderate breast size. This allows women who opt for smaller implants to enjoy the benefits of their new contours without worrying about whether their breasts will have enough support in a sports bra before going for a jog.

5. Subtle Results

Although augmentations performed by skilled surgeons usually offer discrete and natural looking results, most of us will admit that abnormally huge breasts are a clue that a cosmetic procedure may have been done. This is a sensitive issue for many women, and rightfully so. The decision to get cosmetic enhancement is a personal one. While some women who receive implants enjoy the new attention their curves bring them, others seek results that don’t attract unwanted attention yet still meet their appearance goals.

Smaller breast implants can provide subtle contouring and moderate size enhancements to give your body a boost. If you’re comfortable with showing yourself off, then great! However, not all women want this attention, and smaller implants can be the ideal solution to get the best of both worlds — enhancing your appearance while still keeping the fact that you had a procedure under wraps.



Chicago Breast & Body

Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics; #Chicago's Premiere Cosmetic Surgery Practice featuring Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong in Breast, Body, Aesthetics and more.