The High Cost of Poor UX Design: How It Can Affect Your Company’s Bottom Line

Michael Sim
8 min readMay 4, 2023

Delayed Time-to-market & Loss of Competitive Advantage

Companies that prioritize UX design as an integral part of their product development process tend to have a more efficient and effective design process, ultimately resulting in quicker product releases and faster time-to-market.

According to a study, companies that invest in UX design can see a significant reduction in time-to-market by up to 50%, and an increase in conversion rates by up to 400%. The study also found that companies that invested in UX design experienced a 75% reduction in development time and a 50% reduction in overall development costs.

On the other hand, companies that do not prioritize UX design in their product development process tend to have longer development times, increased development costs, and slower time-to-market for new products and features. This can result in a loss of competitive advantage, as competitors are able to release similar products or features quicker, ultimately capturing a larger share of the market.

Negative Brand Image & Reputation

When it comes to digital products, user experience design (UX) can make or break a company’s brand reputation. According to a study, 66% of customers would not purchase from a company again if they had a poor experience, while 53% would share their negative experience with others. This highlights the importance of investing in UX design processes to avoid negative brand image and reputation.

Poor UX design can lead to frustrated customers, negative feedback, and loss of trust. Customers expect a seamless and intuitive experience from digital products, and if their expectations are not met, they will not hesitate to voice their complaints. Social media and online review platforms have made it easier for customers to share their experiences, and negative reviews can quickly spread, damaging a company’s reputation.

Furthermore, a negative brand image can result in a loss of business and decreased revenue. Customers may choose to take their business to competitors with better user experiences, leading to a decrease in market share and competitive disadvantage. In the long run, the cost of fixing a damaged brand image can be significant, including costs associated with rebranding and marketing campaigns to rebuild trust with customers.

Decreased Conversion Rate & Sales Revenue

A lack of or poor UX design can have a significant impact on a company’s conversion rates and sales revenue. According to a study, the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.80%. The study found that a primary reason for cart abandonment is poor user experience, with confusing layouts, complicated checkout processes, and website errors being among the top reasons. The study also found that optimizing the checkout process could result in a 35.26% increase in conversion rates, leading to higher sales and revenue for the company.

In addition to cart abandonment, poor UX design can also lead to a decrease in website traffic and engagement, resulting in lower sales and revenue. A study found that even a delay of one second in website load time can lead to a 20% decrease in mobile traffic. This decrease in traffic can lead to a loss of potential customers and a decrease in sales revenue.

Decreased User Engagement & Adoption

User engagement and adoption are critical for the success of any software application. According to a study, a well-designed user interface could increase website conversion rates by up to 200%, and better UX design could increase customer retention rates by up to 400%. The study also found that companies that prioritize user experience tend to see a higher return on investment than those that do not.

According to a study, 68% of users abandon an app because they perceive that the company does not care about their user experience. The study also found that a poor user experience drives customers away, with 91% of respondents stating they would stop using an app altogether after encountering a poor experience.

When users encounter a poorly designed app, they tend to abandon it and look for alternatives, resulting in lost revenue for the company. Poor user engagement can also lead to lower retention rates, as users who do not engage with the app are less likely to return to it. Additionally, user engagement is closely tied to the perceived value of an app, with users who perceive a high value in the app more likely to engage with it.

Decreased Employee Job Satisfaction and Productivity

According to a report, 80% of creatives say bad design has hurt their productivity, and 68% say it has negatively impacted their job satisfaction. When employees must navigate poorly designed applications, it can slow down workflow and make it challenging to complete tasks efficiently, leading to increased frustration and decreased morale.

Furthermore, a lack of UX design can also lead to increased employee turnover, as employees may become dissatisfied with their work environment and seek other opportunities. This can lead to significant costs for the company, as replacing employees can be expensive and time-consuming.

Higher Risk of Security & Privacy Breaches

Poorly designed applications can make it easier for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive information, potentially putting both the company and its customers at risk. According to a report, “The average consolidated total cost of a data breach increased from $3.86 million to $4.24 million.” This cost includes not only direct financial losses but also lost business, damage to the company’s reputation, and legal fees. Additionally, breaches can lead to a loss of customer trust, further damaging the company’s reputation and potentially leading to decreased revenue.

To avoid these risks, companies must prioritize UX design processes in their application design, including proper security measures and a focus on user privacy. By ensuring that their applications are well-designed and secure, companies can protect their customers’ sensitive information and avoid potentially devastating security breaches.

Increased Legal and Regulatory Costs.

Poorly designed applications may not comply with regulations or may violate user privacy laws, potentially leading to costly legal action and penalties. According to a report, “the average cost of regulatory fines and penalties for non-compliance is $1.14 million.” This cost includes not only financial penalties but also the time and resources required to comply with regulations and the potential damage to the company’s reputation.

Additionally, legal action resulting from poorly designed applications can be costly and time-consuming. Litigation expenses, settlements, and damage awards can add up quickly and lead to significant financial losses.

Increased Customer Support and Maintenance Costs

Poorly designed applications may lead to confusion and frustration for users, resulting in an increase in customer support inquiries and the need for ongoing maintenance and updates. According to a study, “businesses can save up to 50% in customer support costs when they implement a well-designed user interface.” A well-designed user interface can reduce the need for customer support inquiries and make it easier for users to understand and navigate the application.

In addition to customer support costs, poorly designed applications may also require more maintenance and updates. As user needs and technology evolve, companies must continuously update their applications to remain relevant and provide a positive user experience. A lack of UX design processes can result in an application that is more difficult to update and maintain, leading to higher ongoing costs.

Difficulty Scaling and Expanding product

A lack of UX design can make it challenging for a company to grow and scale its product offerings. A poorly designed product can make it difficult for new customers to understand the value proposition, leading to lower conversion rates and reduced revenue. Furthermore, as the company adds new features or expands to new markets, the lack of proper UX design can create confusion and frustration among users, ultimately leading to increased churn rates and lost revenue.

A study found that companies that prioritize UX design see increased revenue, reduced development time, and lower support costs. Conversely, those that neglect UX design can face significant difficulties in scaling and expanding their products.

For example, a company may have a successful product in one market, but when it tries to expand to new regions, it may struggle to gain traction due to cultural or linguistic differences. Without proper UX design processes in place, the company may not be able to identify and address these issues, leading to failed expansion efforts.

High Costs From Technical Debt

The lack of User Experience (UX) design processes can lead to the accumulation of technical debt in an application, resulting in costly redesigns and redevelopments. Technical debt refers to the compromises made in software development, such as cutting corners in coding or skipping necessary testing, that create problems in the long run. The longer a company delays fixing technical debt, the more costly it becomes to fix it later.

According to a study, poor UX design is a significant factor in creating technical debt in software development. Technical debt created by poor UX design can be caused by a range of factors, such as suboptimal design decisions, poor architecture, and a lack of testing. In the absence of effective UX design processes, technical debt can accumulate quickly, leading to longer development times, increased costs, and a reduction in application quality.

The accumulation of technical debt can have far-reaching consequences for businesses. Technical debt can reduce the scalability and performance of applications, leading to crashes, errors, and outages. This can result in significant financial losses due to lost sales, reduced customer confidence, and the cost of fixing the problems.

Furthermore, technical debt can cause a significant disruption to a company’s development pipeline. Technical debt can make it difficult for development teams to add new features, integrate new technologies, or even maintain existing functionality. This can lead to delays in product releases, and ultimately result in missed business opportunities.

In addition, technical debt can also negatively affect the morale of development teams. As technical debt accumulates, developers may become frustrated with the development process, leading to decreased motivation and productivity. This can cause a cycle where technical debt continues to accumulate, resulting in a more significant burden on developers, leading to further reductions in productivity and a negative impact on the bottom line.


UX design is a critical aspect of a company’s product development process, and investing in it can have numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, faster time-to-market, higher conversion rates, and a competitive advantage. Neglecting UX design can lead to a negative brand image, decreased conversion rates and sales revenue, decreased user engagement and adoption, decreased employee job satisfaction and productivity, and a higher risk of security and privacy breaches. Therefore, it is essential for companies to prioritize UX design processes to ensure success in the digital age.

Michael Sim

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Michael Sim

Designer | Mentor | Motivator | Finder of Why | I share insights on #UX #AI #AR #VR and the #Metaverse | Contributor @uxdesigncc & @prototypr