Love is Gone and May Never Return

Chidiogo Emmanuel
2 min readAug 26, 2017


What is a relationship? I believe the world has lost track of its definition.

Relationships I once admired have come crumbling.

One begins to ponder, was it ever love? What was it they felt? If it were love, does it mean that love has an expiry date?

What I once saw as a beautiful and blossoming feeling between two people, turns out to be a “detergent-in-water” phenomenon.

Does love really exist? I have no idea.

I once believed so much in Love.

I once thought there was this beautiful feeling that would take away all worries.

God damn Indian movies, y’all sold reality’s counterfeit.

So what exactly is love?

How do we interprete the feeling these days?

Love is nothing but a business transaction.

You are not loved for who you are, but for what you can offer.

You are not loved because you are special, but because of your spectacles.

Should anyone be blamed for this?

Yes? No?

There is so much demand on humanity. A lot is being expected from you and I.

So… I guess putting a price to everything including emotion is only normal?

Emotions have a price.

If the price is right, emotions can be manufactured with the right factory settings and serviced overtime.

So where has love, true emotions gone?

If you ask me, I’d say the very same place mine is going.

Somewhere waiting for the craze of the world to realize it’s no more in circulation.

Somewhere chilling, pondering if it will ever be given a chance.

Love is in a place where it won’t be considered a fool for being too tender.

A place where it won’t be exploited.

A place where it won’t be considered weak.

You see, Love is gone and may never return.



Chidiogo Emmanuel

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