I Worked One of the Worst Jobs. It Was Eye-Opening.

Chief Blog Officer (CBO)
4 min readJun 23, 2023


Story time!

When high school came to an end, I found myself filled with a desire to earn money and explore the world beyond textbooks and classrooms.

It was summer of 2011. Instead of going to the local pool with my friends, I set out on a quest to embrace work opportunities that required no prior experience or specialized education.

Little did I know that this decision would lead me down a winding road of odd jobs and, eventually, an eye-opening experience at a steel reinforcement bar factory.

source: Midjourney

First Steps

It all started fairly normal.

A few days into my job-hunt, I found myself delivering fridges and TVs as well as restocking shelves at a home improvement retailer.

However, destiny had an unexpected twist in store for me.

The Twist

Around one month later, I was presented with an opportunity to work in an entirely different realm — the steel reinforcement bar factory.

Here, I was thrust into the heart of an industry that customizes steel rebars, essential for enhancing the tensile strength of concrete in construction projects.

The Reality

As I stepped into the steel reinforcement bar factory, my initial excitement began to fade, replaced by the harsh realities that awaited me.

The picturesque image of a bustling industrial setting quickly transformed into an arduous and demanding environment that tested both my physical endurance and mental fortitude.

The Work-Hours

The first challenge that struck me was the unrelenting schedule.

I had to wake up at an unearthly hour of 2:00 in the morning and endure an hour-long commute to reach the factory.

My shift would commence promptly at 3:30 and stretch on for ten grueling hours, with only a brief one-hour break.

These uninterrupted hours of labor demanded a lot of focus and stamina, pushing me to my imits.

The Noise

But the physical toll was not the only hardship I encountered within those walls.

The deafening noise in the factory created an environment that would have put an illegal techno rave in a Soviet bunker to shame.

Despite wearing earplugs and earmuffs, the cacophony of machines cutting through steel reverberated through my body, leaving my ears ringing long after I had left for home.

It was a constant assault on the senses, making it challenging to concentrate and causing relentless mental fatigue.

The Dust

The dust. It clung to everything.

Fine metal particles hung in the air, settling on every surface, including my skin and clothes.

Each day, as I stood in front of the mirror after work, I could hardly recognize myself.

My face was coated in a black mixture of sweat and metal dust, a reminder of the labor I had endured.

The dust seemed to seep into my pores, making its way into my nostrils and mouth, leaving a metallic taste on my tongue.

I couldn’t help but wonder about the impact it was having on my lungs, imagining them turning as black as the steel I handled daily.

The Incident

However, the most heart-wrenching realization came when I stumbled upon the reason they needed someone urgently in my position.

One day, I was tasked with transporting large rolls of unprocessed steel reinforcement bars from a towering pile to one of the processing machines.

As I climbed atop the heap of rolls, trying to position the hook for the crane, I couldn’t help but notice the treacherous conditions.

Wires jutted out from the rolls, waiting to ensnare the unwary.

It was a precarious task, with the ground below me a dizzying ten meters away.

And then I discovered the horrifying truth: my predecessor had met his tragic end in this very spot.

He had tripped on one of those exposed wires, plummeting to his death.

The weight of the danger I had unknowingly exposed myself to washed over me, leaving me with a chilling awareness of the fragility of life.

The Sacrifice

Adding to the weight of these physical challenges were the emotional burdens.

The atmosphere in the factory was somber, with a sense of melancholy hanging in the air.

The employees around me wore tired expressions, carrying the weight of their experiences.

Conversations with my coworkers revealed that many of them had been working in this factory for years, but it felt like decades.

Most of them were individuals who had faced hardships of their own, from former criminals seeking redemption to immigrants with little to no formal education.

Their stories were a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, their determination to provide for their families and create a better life.

Gratitude & Respect

This journey became a catalyst for a profound shift in my mindset.

The contrasting realities I witnessed instilled in me a deep sense of gratitude for the privileges I had often taken for granted: a heated/cooled office, access to education, and the luck I have had in my life to have a choice to work in a different job.

It also ignited an unwavering respect and admiration for the individuals who persist in such demanding roles to provide for themselves and their families.

They are the true heroes of our society!

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Chief Blog Officer (CBO)

Consultant & Business Owner | Here, I will share my learnings, thoughts and experiences with you.