Most women don’t realize the power they have because of restricted sexual education of inhibition, like belief systems such as “ Good girls do not initiate sex or give oral sex , women shouldn’t be too sexual”, and all that.

Chikadibia Jessica Maduekwe
3 min readFeb 17, 2022


But why do sexually liberated women scare people so much? What is it about a woman knowing what she wants that terrifies and disgusts the masses? Why does owning her body and sexuality feel so shameful? What is so dangerous about a sexually liberated woman?

Society has always judged men and women differently when it came to sexual matters. Sexual liberated women have been constantly shamed and criticised by society. Women’s sexual desires and liberation have also been criminalized and seen as an abominable act.

Shame surrounding sexual expression can be deep. However, exploring the shame associated with sexual expression deepens our liberation.

Society’s judgment has made some women feel uncomfortable and shy when talking about sex. The taboo of talking about sex is rooted in particular ideologies related to religion.

Some female artists have written and produced songs that explored sexuality and liberation in women. One of the songs that explored sexual liberation in women was WAP, an acronym for “wet ass pussy”.

The successful female rappers, Cardi B and Megan thee stallion were unapologetic about the song and rapped about sexual freedom in women.

The lyrics of WAP emphasised on female power during sex and more importantly, female pleasure. For many women, the song has been celebrated for it’s sexual liberation.

The song however received a lot of backlash and criticisms. One of the sardonic critiques that surrounded the song was that having a “WAP” is not healthy or normal.

Some critics also said that “WAP" promotes the over-sexualization of young women, but it should be recognized that women, most especially black women are typically portrayed as hyper-sexualized beings.

Cardi and Megan both embodied the notion that as a woman, you can love sex and still be a fully realised human with interests and goals.

The main point being made here is that when a woman expresses her sexual pleasure and thoughts ; be it in a song or anywhere else, she gets shamed and called names but men rapping or talking about sex with women never gets as much criticism as women.

Society should however normalise sexual liberation amongst women. Women shouldn’t be shy and embarrassed when talking about sex and should also have sexual conversations.

Normalizing sexual conversations can guide others in dismantling their own shame. When women have these conversations, they are not only supporting their own liberation, but the liberation of others.

Sexually liberated women have shown that there is nothing wrong with women expressing themselves sexually.

Most women today are liberating themselves sexually and dismantled the shame surrounding sex. They are also more open to exploring their needs and desires.

Women have also created space to deepen their liberation and have claimed sexuality for themselves. They are no longer sexual for someone else’s needs, but for their own needs and they control every aspect of their sex lives.

A truly sexually liberated woman denounces societal expectations and advocates openness in sexuality. We now live in a time where we can claim our sexuality, own it and express it however we want.

Women are now taking back and reclaiming their sexual power. They now know that they also deserve sexual fulfilment and pleasure.

