Introducing the Dojo

4 min readJul 12, 2022

When the team first conceptualized the “DOJO” our goal was to make a fun, engaging, simple and low-cost gamified staking system as well as a launch pad for the TBAC Series 2 adventure story.

TBAC series 2 will be a Chimpers NFT adventure story filled with beautiful art and rich lore, and of course seasoned with generous helpings of mystery, surprise, and reward for staked Chimpers.

The DOJO forms an integral part of the adventure and will be the spiritual home of the Chimpers community as we uncover the mysteries of the Chimpverse.

Official DOJO Link:

The DOJO Purpose

On July 26, 2022, Master Chimpo will open the DOJO doors and roll out the red carpet for the new trainee Chimpers.

When you feel ready you will be able to stake your Chimpers (Generative and Genesis) and enter the DOJO.

The DOJO is comprised of three distinct activities:

· Training

· Battling

· Adventuring

Participating in the activities is automatic, you will not have to do anything except stake your Chimpers and observe your performance.

During the DOJO activities you will receive and win XP that allows you to level up and earn Bandanas.

XP and Bandanas earned will display on your staked chimpers profile in the DOJO and your current Bandana level will show in the metadata.

The sole use of XP is to level up your Chimpers bandana grade.
There is no USD value to XP and no liquidity pool will be provided.

Phase 1 — Training

To take part in battling, adventures, and quests Chimpers must be physically and mentally prepared and this state can only be achieved by those who commit their mind and body and train in the DOJO under the guidance of Master Chimpo.

On entering the DOJO, Master Chimpo will present you with your white training bandana. Each day Master Chimpo will award staked Chimpers with XP as follows:

• Generative — 1XP per day

• Legendary — 2XP per day

• Genesis — 3XP per day

Phase 2 — Battling

After the DOJO launches and once Master Chimpo is satisfied that the new recruits have what it takes, he will invite you to begin daily battles…

In the battles your Chimpers will be matched with a random Chimpers in a blow-by-blow encounter until one is declared the victor by Master Chimpo.

As well as pride and XP, rewards will be up for grabs for the toughest Chimpers.

Wen battling?

Phase 3 — Adventuring

By training and battling your Chimpers they will become stronger and more experienced, and they will be ready to venture outside the DOJO. Chimpers are hunter gatherers and adventurous souls by nature, and this is where the real mystery, surprise and reward begins!

Wen adventuring?


As we roll out the DOJO over the coming days and weeks, we will publish full details on the staking mechanics and the DOJO activities.

The DOJO is Chimpers staking hub and the ONLY pathway to mystery, surprise, and reward! Once you stake your Chimpers NFTs, you will begin to earn daily XP and in future you will be able to earn and win additional XP in daily battles, adventures, and quests. Accruing XP will enable you to level up your bandana grade and more.


It is good practice to de-list your Chimpers before staking as your listing may get re-activated at that price if you unstake.

Chimpers NFT Staking

Chimpers Generative
Chimpers Genesis

By staking you will be committing your Chimpers NFT to the staking contract, this will remove the Chimpers NFT from your wallet for the
duration of staking.

Staking Contract (Ethereum):

Whilst your Chimpers NFT is staked, you will not be able to list, sell
or transfer it.

On staking your Chimpers NFT a (non-tradeable) placeholder “Chimpers in Training” image will be returned to your wallet and it will remain there until you unstake your Chimpers NFT.

You may unstake your Chimpers NFT at any time and your original Chimpers NFT will be returned to your wallet. Staking and unstaking will require you to sign a wallet transaction and pay a gas fee.

Chimpers NFT Unstaking

You are free to unstake your Chimpers NFT at any time.

When you unstake and sign the wallet transaction your Chimpers NFT will be returned to your wallet and the (non-tradeable) placeholder “Chimpers in Training” image will be removed from your wallet.

Your unstaked Chimpers NFT will retain its current bandana level, but you will lose any XP earned since you achieved your current bandana level.

Remember, staking your Chimpers in the DOJO is the only pathway to mystery, surprise, and reward!

What are the rewards?

Since our project began in July 2021 our ethos has been to under- promise and overdeliver with a roadmap of mystery, surprise, and reward.

As a team we enjoy the flexibility to innovate, build and be creative whilst delighting our awesome community and hope you will join us as we embark on our next exciting adventure!


