Tutorial Guide: How to Use Chingu AGI

3 min read4 days ago

Chingu AGI is a cutting-edge artificial general intelligence system designed to automate tasks on your computer.

Here’s a brief overview of its core functionalities:

  • Task Execution: Conducts research, makes purchases, posts content, and interacts with websites efficiently.
  • Task Automation: Automates and handles both routine and complex tasks typically assigned to human employees, managing PC applications without user intervention.
  • On-Screen Assistance: Utilizes your screen for tasks such as scanning documents and browsing websites.
  • Content Creation Ecosystem: Integrates with AI applications like Suno, Invidio, Writesonic, and ChatGPT to facilitate diverse content creation needs.

A. Enter your commands in this field.

B. Use this to Send or Stop tasks.

C. Click this to activate voice commands.

D. Refresh Chingu AGI. This clears the interface while preserving memory of ongoing tasks.

E. Access this sidebar popup to adjust settings and manage tasks on Autopilot.

F. Use this to manage scheduled tasks. This is accessible by clicking the sidebar arrow.

G. Adjust your settings here, including voice preferences.

H. Each of these are sample tasks you can try with Chingu AGI.

Example Tasks

Here are some recommended tasks that you can try out with Chingu AGI:

  1. “Research the the latest advancements in machine learning algorithms for predictive healthcare. Write your findings on a Google document.

2. “Research the latest developments in the financial sector and provide a comprehensive report tomorrow at 6PM.

This will appear once you click on the highlighted F item on the illustration above.


Here are some limitations of Chingu AGI:

  • Inaccuracies: Although generally reliable, Chingu AGI might occasionally deliver unexpected results due to the complexity of AI interpretations or subtle nuances in task instructions.
  • Browser Dependency: Chingu AGI is optimized for Google Chrome. For smooth operation, open and log into all necessary web services and platforms via Chrome before starting tasks with Chingu AGI.
  • Success Rates: Chingu AGI may fail on certain tasks. Regularly review and adjust settings to enhance its performance.

Set Up for Optimal Use

To fully utilize Chingu AGI, set up your environment correctly:

  • Detailed Tasks: Provide as much detail as possible when assigning a task.
  • Screen Setup: Ensure your screen is free of overlapping windows.
  • Task Scheduling: Specify exact dates and times for tasks to ensure Chingu AGI performs operations precisely when needed.
  • Permissions: Grant Chingu AGI access to your microphone and camera.
  • Logins: Chingu AGI does not request your login credentials. Before starting web-based tasks, ensure you are logged into all necessary accounts directly in Google Chrome.

Running Dedicated Task Sessions

  • Ensuring Non-Interference: For optimal performance, avoid using your computer during times when Chingu AGI tasks require screen access. This prevents overlap between your activities and Chingu AGI’s autonomous operations.
  • Scheduled Use: Use your computer normally outside scheduled task times. If you need to use your computer during a scheduled task, ensure there is no direct interaction with the functionalities Chingu AGI is set to handle.

Troubleshooting Tips

Common fixes for most problems:

  1. Close and Reopen Google Chrome: If a web automation task fails, close all Google Chrome windows and reopen them.
  2. Restart Chingu AGI: If the issue persists, close and restart Chingu AGI by right-clicking the icon to ‘Run as Administrator’ if necessary.
  3. Computer Restart: If Chingu AGI still fails to function correctly, a system restart may be necessary.

For any other issues, contact us via our Technical Support Form.

