The art of Sharing perspectives ( Most important thing that has always been ignored)

Chirag Khatri
2 min readDec 8, 2023


Once Seth Godin: “Sharing your story is not about self-indulgence. It’s about offering the world something it doesn’t have: your voice, your perspective, your understanding.”

Did you apple, nike and pentagonal have one thing in Common they know how to tell stories.

They knew the power of story telling and This is how they formed there loyal communities and here how we can do the same also do the same :

Start with WHY. Then HOW. Then WHAT.”

Simon Sinek People don’t care how you do it, they care why you do it- Simon Sinek

  • By focusing on why you will target limbic which part of brain which is responsible for :
  • emotions
  • Memory
  • social interaction

Take advantage of human psychological

Don’t just tell stories help them

A story is based on what people think is important, so when we live a story, we are telling the people around us what we think is important.”

Instead you telling stories why not just invite them

Donald miller on this book building a story brand introduce of this frame work

The StoryBrand Framework :

Your brand require Validation

Just like humans brand also do seek for validations

they major seek two types of validations :

Internal and External

Internal validation

“Validation is not about getting other people’s approval, it’s about getting your own approval. It’s about believing in yourself and your brand.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

External validation

Hello there its me Chirag Khatri if you love read more Such content

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Hasta la Vista !

