Chris Briscoe
1 min readFeb 5, 2019


What a great Post! I love that expression, "I am learning to find the unforced rhythms of God's grace." I don't know whether you have read the book, "The Practice of the Presence of God", by Brother Lawrence but I highly recommend it.

He writes, "It is proper that the heart - which is the first to live and which dominates all other parts of the body - should be the first and the last to love God. The heart is the beginning and the end of all our spiritual and bodily actions and, generally speaking, of everything we do in our lives. It is the therefore, the heart whose attention we must carefully focus on God." I noticed from reading my Bible, the heart and the mind are the same and interchangeable, but today's concept of the mind is the brain; in my opinion, this is the devil's strategy to undermine man's knowledge and awareness of the human spirit or soul which God has given to every individual.What do you think?



Chris Briscoe

I Invite you 2 read my Substack Newsletter BLOG which has the 2 most feared subjects to tread- religion+politics. I dare U 2 C