Book Review: Last Words: A Memoir

Chris Doelle
2 min readDec 6, 2018


I picked Last Words: A Memoir by George Carlin and Tony Hendrick on a trip to the Victoria library with my mom. I was between books and although I am nothing more than a casual fan of George Carlin, figured it might be interesting. Interesting it was.

My biggest takeaway from the book is that my loss of interest in Carlin can be explained from his book. I became a fan during the middle stage of his career — just as he was moving toward a leftist political slant with his comedy. He struck a chord with me as he pointed out the idiocy of politicians. Carlin was just making the transition from drug humor to taking a stand against things. He did so with intelligence and a great vocabulary.

His humor and politics kept heading left and subsequently left me behind. He went off into whacko land. That said, I did enjoy the aspects of the book that manner reviewers disliked — particularly, the business side of show business. That part was very interesting.

The audiobook itself is interesting because it is read by George Carlin’s brother, Patrick Carlin. It is obviously not George, but he sounds enough like his brother to really give you a feeling of authenticity.

Did this book change my life? No. Did it inspire me? No. Was it a laugh riot? Nope. Was it a good listen during some long drives? Yeah.

by Chris Doelle

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Last Words: A Memoir

Originally published at Riding with the window down….



Chris Doelle

Chris Doelle - a new media titan, writer and social media expert, changing the world for the better! Father - Marketer - Consultant - Podcaster - Public Speaker