6 Ways To Drink More Water At Work

Chris Kyle
3 min readFeb 10, 2016


by Chris Kyle

Water is to humans, what oil is to great machinery.

It can help you lose weight. It can stimulate brain activity. It can fuel your muscles and lube your joints. It can stop a headache in its tracks and relieve constipation with a bang. Drinking more of it will turn you into a machine around the office.

Here’s how:

1. Set yourself a water goal for the day. This sounds a bit wanky but it’s really effective in helping you focus on staying hydrated. Most days your goal will be the same e.g. drink 2 liters…but start planning ahead. If you’re going to be on the road, decide in advance where and when you can take water on board (and where and when you can off board it as well).

2. Make drinking water easier to do. Water is as dull as my Uncle Arthur. But using natural flavorings like Stur can liven it up (incidentally, if you have a minute read the story behind Stur, it’s great: about Stur).

3. Find new ways to consume water. If you can’t stomach drinking water all day long, why not grab a few pieces of juicy fruit or even a ice lolly instead. It doesn’t matter how you get it as long as you get it.

4. Invest in a good water bottle. I don’t know what it is about having a brand new water bottle proudly parked on my desk but it just makes me want to use it and carry it everywhere.

5. Create a desktop water-station. This might seem très nerdy but clearing a dedicated space on your desk for your water is great for making hydration a habit. It’ll be the first thing you see when you return to your desk or divert your gaze from the screen. Sip up.

6. Use the plastic cup method. Nothing says ‘drink me’ more than an inviting cup of refreshing earth juice. Here’s how I make sure I’m drinking enough each day:

Step 1: Get a plastic cup and a sharpei.

Step 2: Mark out a grid and pour your first cup.

Step 3: Once you’ve drunk that cup, turn it over and mark a cross in one of the spaces. Keep going until to have consumed six cups and all your spaces are filled.

Step 4: Get ready for more energy, greater productivity and an all round better day at the office!

☞ If you’re interested in finding out more about my productivity system, you can download the free setup pdf here: Strikethru

☞ Want to install some healthy habits? Check out The Habit Journal

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Chris Kyle

Senior Scrum Master | Habit Nerd | Productivity Geek