7 Ways to convince Gary Vaynerchuk to have Coffee with you.

Christopher Martin
3 min readMar 9, 2016


Not a 140 character tweet. A conversation.

SO, a LOT of people want to speak with Gary Vee, right?! That’s easy, he is super easy to get a response out of on his Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook,#askgaryvee show on Youtube or maybe even his medium page(Gary Vaynerchuk), or if all of that fails here is his email Gary@vaynermedia.com.

GaryVee, was at Venture Madness recently in Phoenix AZ, and the entire time I was curious….How do I get 30 minutes of this guys time…..So here are my thoughts.

You need to be the loudest scream in a crowd and follow some principles he suggests, but also get Gary excited. Don’t be this guy. Here are some ideas: They may or may not work, but feel free to try!

  1. Contact him on Instagram or Twitter. Gary is big on Instagram, he always says that there is a lot of attention there, and attention is his oxygen. He gave away a book for a dude that was honest and brought value on Instagram, and the dude was far, far away. How can you get your question answered? Here is the easy answer: http://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/what-youll-need-to-get-garyvee-to-answer-your-questions/ Also, try to be different. Try making a video with your story. Gary loves that lately.
  2. Snap him(GaryVee — just scan this picture). Gary is always chatting about what has his wheels spinning that day, having educated conversations about that topic every day on Snapchat. Here is your first conversation, Gary is big on Geo Location on Snapchat right now, so should you be as well!
  3. Rep his new book in a big way.(it just came out yesterday) Here are my thoughts, buy a copy or two as he mentioned in the last episode of the #askgaryvee show, read the entire thing today. Write a blog post on why other people should buy the book. Or do it like me in a medium post :) And don’t forget to leave an amazon review that’s really important.
  4. Bring Value. This is really key for everything in life, but Gary Vee is so BIG on this. What do I mean by that, if you really want to meet up with Gary, you should obviously have a good reason. The reason may be a speaking engagement for him, you have a podcast with an audience which is not aware of Gary, or an over the top question for him (like these guys did from 15:17–16:26). Hey Gary, bye Gary. LOL
  5. Teach him something in 1 of 3 areas. Marketing, Football(the New York Jets), or Wine. Gary is by far a Domain Expert in these 3 areas, so if you teach him something he never knew in these areas you will have his attention. Don’t Waste IT! And you know what, he really is an expert in these areas, but he is a humble guy that believes that he can learn something new from every person he meets. He doesn’t bite.

Ok, these last 2 ARE JUST FOR FUN. (attempting these strategies are for professionals only).

  1. Locate the hotel Gary Vee is staying at. Then you must replicate the housekeeping staff outfit, from here it gets tricky. Reverse engineer Snapchats geo locator app to find the location most of the geo-located snaps are originating from. Working backwards from this you have a room. Knock on the door with a loaf of towels, when someone answers, you are in. You may have 2 min before Gary is on to you. Make that the best 2 min pitch of his life.
  2. Find the walking path that Gary Vee will be taking to get to his next meeting. Make sure you have timed his path perfectly with the buddy of yours in a car, driving at a rolling 25mph next to Gary Vees path. Ok, here comes the commitment, “trip” in front of your buddies car right next to Gary Vee. If you survive, while Gary Vee is making sure you are alive, you slip a flash drive into his pocket with a pre-loaded deck on it, it better be a good deck! And you’ll bring him some value ’cause it’s going to look great on the Daily Vee.

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Thanks for listening CMart.



Christopher Martin

EiR @wasabiventures. Adventure Enthusiast. Gym Fan. The Path Less Traveled.