How to get 500 quality twitter followers — The hard way!

Christopher Martin
7 min readMar 2, 2016


6 major points that I find important

By Chris Martin & Mustafa Bisic

It looks great if you have 100k followers, or even 10k there is no doubt about it surely I also want to have those numbers. But, how many of those are bought, right? Like….if you have 100000 followers and get 1 retweet that’s an instant red flag for me.

I think focusing on building meaningful relationships with your followers and the people you follow is the only thing that should matter, creating real VALUE with them. I will show you my way of getting 500 real twitter followers with nothing but commitment and effort. There are no tricks or shortcuts here and you will not pay for any of your new followers.

I think that each and every one follower you have is important. Just think about it, when someone decides to retweet your tweet or send you a personal message, they are in fact giving you their most precious asset — THEIR TIME. Please make sure that you deserve that time and appreciate that time you are given by the people who follow your work.
When you get 500 real followers, people will visit your profile daily to find useful information, which will definitely be a success.

First of all, you have to be honest with people right out of the gate, BE GENUINE. Don’t bullshit them with anything! I LOVE how Jon Westenberg does this. He brings a lot of value to his followers and responds to everything. His content is honest and useful and you should try doing the same. The funny thing is that he doesn’t have a lot of twitter followers (he’s got about 3k), but he’s got a huge reading stats on his articles on medium.
I would much rather be like him, than having 100k twitter followers without anyone deeply respecting my work.

Here is what I invite you to do to get 500 quality twitter followers:

1. Get valuable information for your followers

You have to be a scraper, you have to search through the internet and find the very best content that your followers will appreciate. I know this takes a lot of time, but it will be well worth it in the long run. This is my opinion:

“Whenever you become useful for one of your followers, it is a huge win! “

Perhaps that follower won’t retweet or like your tweet right away, but when you consistently find only the best for your followers, they will notice it and start believing you.
Some of the places where I find my content are:

* Credible web pages for startups (TechCrunch, VentureBeat, entrepreneur etc.)
* Blogs (copy blogger, social media examiner, blog Hubspot )
* Other social networks (Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, facebook)
* Reddit (The Internet is beautiful, venture capital, startups, business hub)
*People I follow and relevant hashtags — Twitter is great for discovering content

2. Do the hashtags properly “Like a Fine English Gentlemen”

There is a lot of material about hashtags out there. Here is a nice article on HubSpot about hashtags.

The basic gist of hashtaging is that you should use them to discover and be discovered. I use Hashtagify to analyze hashtags correctly. This is the page where you will find a lot of useful information about hashtags and the most influential people who use them which will help you to expand your twitter audience.
Another way I use hashtags is to get into conversations with people. You will most likely find great conversation topics when you use proper hashtags and you will find that this is a great way to start a conversation.

3. Make quality content yourself

This one is fundamental for any niche in which you operate. The key here is to offer VALUE — — So whether that’s copy, resources, videos…it needs to be genuinely valuable so that someone can absorb. I love to write articles and blogs that are useful for my followers and myself. You have to find a platform to write your content on. For me, the best platform for writing is (obviously).

This is the process I use. This was huge for me when I was rebuilding the Wasabi Ventures Academy , I wanted to provide Genuine Valuable Content or GVC(I just made that up)

Whenever I encounter a problem I write it down and go on to research the topic, and then write something in a way that I would tell it to my friends. I believe that my followers are my friends. Ok, sometimes there is no need for research when you have an opinion based content. But I urge you to just go with the flow and eventually you will reach your goals.

When you have content that people will share, you will definitely get more people to love and respect you. There is a lot of information about how to write great content online and here are some of them which I use.

* GO FOLLOW Jon Westenberg — He might not tell you exact steps to reach your writing goals, but you will surely get motivated and moved by his style of writing. He is an awesome dude to follow. (I Plug him a lot, but I can assure you he doesn’t pay me, he is just kick ASS)

* — this is a web page that was established 2006. and they have been constantly working on giving you the best possible advice on the topic of writing since.

* Brain pickings — Here you will not only find great tips about writing, but also a lot of useful information about psychology, and life learning. You will learn a lot by trying to internalize the style of writing of Maria Popova

4. Connect with the right people

You should always try to bring value to the influencers in your niche. They are the most important people in getting any of your social media accounts more popular. Almost every influencer was once a beginner and he had to reach out to people.

How will you bring value to the influencers? You simply have to be authentic and with really good intentions. Influencers are generally people who are extremely busy and have online intelligence, so don’t try to bullshit them. They will see right through you. Talk to them like you would talk to a friend, with a happy vibe.

Also, dig really deep and find people for whom you believe will be huge and give them your support and help as much as you can. They will surely appreciate it. If you do all of this right, one day you will be one of them and people will reach out to you.

The bottom line is putting yourself in the shoes of the influencers. Seek first to understand and then to be understood. (Yes, this is a quote from „7 habits of highly successful people“) This will help you in having a high level of communication with anybody you encounter.


Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it! You will free up your time a little bit by automating some stuff. But be sure that most of the influencers HATE that.

Once you send a generic automatic message to them, that’s it. You’re done for them. Once again DON’T DO IT!!!

It’s better to send 10 unique and authentic messages a day, then 1 000 of automatic and generic messages.

Don’t ever message a person which is an influencer right away. When you follow them, get to know their rhythm on the twitter, read their content thoroughly and then engage with them.

Nobody likes to be in someone else’s numbers game. Show respect from the start and you will have exquisite followers.

BE GENUINE…THERE it is, I said it again!!!!!!!

6. Offline is important!

Don’t just be involved in twitter and other social media. You have to be an exemplary human being offline as well.

The most followers and friends I’ve got is from the time when I attended conferences or meetings while staying active on twitter.

A lot of people from the same event go to twitter and connect with you. So go out of your way to get into events in you niche and be a nice human being.

Gary Vaynerchuk is an awesome example of this. When you watch his keynotes you might think, this guy is a jerk!

But when you look at his daily vlogs you can see that he is a truly nice guy to his employees, to his associates and to everybody he gets in contact with.

When you nail all of these down, you will build your credibility and authority and you can start doing great things for your followers and get their attention. I promise you that, even though this might take you up to 4 hours a day, it will be worth it. You will get 500 followers in no time, but they will be worth every second of your work.

THANKS for reading! If you are reading this that means that you READ the entire publication. DM me on twitter and I will tell you in 140 characters or less that you are awesome!



Christopher Martin

EiR @wasabiventures. Adventure Enthusiast. Gym Fan. The Path Less Traveled.