Two easy steps to turn your Followers into Friends (Hidden tips inside)
Step 1: Make a Facebook account.
Step 2: Message your new follower on Twitter to add you on Facebook as a friend.
Voila, it’s just that simple, you now have a “friend”.
No, I’m just kidding. But it is simple in fact to make friends on twitter. It’s just like in real life.
All you have to is to be genuine and honest.
So, how to engage your new followers in building long-lasting connections.
You just have to be yourself. Don’t try to force anyone into conversations, not everybody wants to make connections this way. If you are interested in turning followers into friends then I suppose that you have a lot of friends outside of social media. You are the kind of people who enjoy communicating with others and you are the life of the party. Am I right?
To make it easier for you to make friends on twitter, here are some tips that are coming from my head. You can use them in real life as well.
Tip 1 — You become friends by proxy. It is just like when you were a kid. Some other boy or a girl was your friend just because you were close to each other. You can use this on Twitter as well. You can be close to people you want to be friends with by appearing on their twitter stream a lot.
And while we were on the subject, there is a lot of people who have friends from the childhood but haven’t heard from them in a long time. Go say hi to them.
Tip 2 — You become friends by sharing common interests. Hashtags are great for this. Twitter chats are great for this. Lists are great for this. Utilize all of these.
Tip 3 — You make friends by joining bigger conversations. The other day I was at the #yesphx conference and some of us jumped on to twitter and had some great conversations on the topics that were mentioned in the conference. It’s a great way to make friends. Join bigger conversations in any interest that you have. Whether it be sports, celebrities, music or pretty much anything you like.
Tip 4 — Make friends by creating real conversations. Give value to people and offer them nice and positive emotions. Almost everybody loves that. Those who don’t love that are probably not the best option for you.
Tip 5 — Make friends by allowing everybody to communicate with you. Even those people who automate their messages. It’s really easy to make great conversations and potentially friendships with responding to those messages in a genuine way. They are rarely getting any response from it, especially a genuine one.
“A friend is what the heart needs all the time.” — Henry Van Dyke