What does a startup founder’s day REALLY look like?

Christopher Martin
4 min readMar 28, 2016


Here is how a typical day looks for a startup founder. There are some silly things inside, but there is a lot of truth also. It’s a quick read and please tell me your thoughts.

Photo credits: Robin Yang


Add me on Snapchat also: snapachris


7:05AM Your first call of the day! probably with your design team, or engineering team. This is super important, make sure your product team has marching orders for the day.

7:30AM Eat (Whatever is Cheap) or free.

8:00AM Emails- This is the fun part of the day…..you get to reach your hand into the bag of TODO’s that is an email list.

8:05AM You get distracted by a nonimportant email, go on a 55-minute wild goose chase and realize you ended up looking at a subreddit with 8ppl on it, for the last 30 min.

9:00AM Go to the office #freecoffeeshop #freecoworkingspace


9:05AM Talk to the team, make sure they are all set for the day.

9:30AM Biz Dev meeting across town,it’s always across town. The Goal Here is to win by using every second of your time effectively. A contract, a partnership, leading to win!

11:00AM See what your competition is doing, yes peak over the fence! This is a game, and only 1 person gets the trophy.

11:15AM Put Out FIRESSSS! Angry Client or a mistake your team made this will happen every day. Talk your investors of the ledge or something bad will happen.

It can be a tough thing to do, but it’s worth it.

11:30AM Make sure you have a lunch for that day. NEVER EAT ALONE. If you don’t eat lunch with your team that’s bad. Do it because you love them.

12:00PM Lunch, make the person you are eating lunch with pay. lol….but seriously.

1:00PM- 4:00PM This is really the only time you do anything during the day.Lock yourself in a room and crank on whatever you need to in order to move the needle. Most likely it will be 2 things, whatever happened in your emails and sales. SELL SELL SELL SELL

Every day!

4:00PM Put Out Fires….#startupfounder/firefighter

4:30PM Review your pipeline, follow up on missed opportunities, always follow up.

5:00PM Get a dinner date. A lead, a sale, or a friend that will help you get something done.

6:30PM Investor Meeting- Yes, if you have ever taken a cent from an investor they want to know what is happening to their money. So you will have to report to them.

7:00PM Layup Emails(easy emails) This is where you have finished your 12 hour day, and you can answer all your layup emails, and messages on slack.

8:00PM GYM. If you don’t workout and get away from the computer you will die young. That’s guaranteed.

9:30PM Miscellaneous time- Work on your deck, research the industry, blog. This is your time to explore and think about the future.

11:00PM Sleep. As a founder, you may not get sleep every night. But, most nights you will be able to get your solid 6 hours.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to work for a Venture Capital Firm traveling the USA making investments and working to build startups? Ever wondered how a true venture investor and startup founder interact? Snapchat:snapachris



Christopher Martin

EiR @wasabiventures. Adventure Enthusiast. Gym Fan. The Path Less Traveled.