23 under-the-radar #Snapchat-ters to get to know

Chris Strub
15 min readApr 21, 2017


Chris Strub is the first man to Snapchat in all 50 U.S. states.

Even after all these years, and now an IPO, discovering cool new people is still a sticking point on Snapchat.

This article is the third in an ongoing series of Snapchatters the world deserves to know. Before you even begin with this article, open new tabs for Part 1 (10 SnapChatters the world needs to know) and Part 2 (17 On-The-Rise Snapchatters to Know in 2017).

(I decided on 23, by the way, due to my affinity for the number 50.)

Before we get going, I’ll offer the exact same disclaimer as last time: there is no way I could possibly write a comprehensive blog post of all the Snapchatters I love watching; and if we’re friends on Snapchat [if we’re not, add me!] and I didn’t include you here, sorry.

If you do enjoy this article — which took me forever to piece together — please do me a favor and Tweet out the link. I would very sincerely appreciate it. (Also, don’t forget to add me on Snapchat, too!)

One final note — (almost) all screenshots below were taken today, April 21, and there were a couple people I wanted to include but who either didn’t have a story up or don’t appear in their own story today, which meant I couldn’t screenshot you, which meant I had to keep looking (sorry!).

Okay, ready?

If you’re just getting started on Snapchat, Natx Wang would be a perfect choice for your first friend.

Natx Wang is one of the friendliest, most supportive people you’ll come across on Snapchat, but if her bubbly personality and sense of humor wasn’t enough, she’s the brains behind a very significant movement called the #SweatSnap squad. The concept is simple: every day, when you sweat, send Natx a sweaty Snapchat selfie, and she’ll compile it into the day’s recap. After I explained the idea to my Dad, who is admittedly a few pounds overweight, it motivated him to get back on the treadmill every day, and now he’s lost more than 20 pounds. Someday, I seriously believe a national fitness chain will realize how powerful a #sweatsnap can be, and hopefully credit (and pay?) Natx accordingly. Natx is exactly the kind of person you want in your Snap squad, and the perfect gal to kick off this list.

I’ve never come across anyone who’s had a bad word to say about Greg. Add him on Musical.ly, too!

CashChatSnap, real name Greg, has shown more remarkable growth and improvement on Snapchat since I met him this time last year than anyone else I know. Very few people commit the time, energy and creativity that Greg does to their stories, and he does so with a purpose: to broadly educate the world about fiduciary responsibility. Amusingly, Snapchat probably isn’t even Greg’s strongest platform — he is one of the most talented Musical.ly artists out there, too. Creativity and content aside, everyone who knows Greg will tell you that he’s just a damn good guy. Befriend Greg immediately, get to know him and your Snapchat experience will improve immensely.

I don’t think Janelle is quite as “sassy” as her username indicates, but she’s tremendously sweet, kind and supportive!

TheSassySurvivr, real name Janelle, is every bit as vibrant and energetic as the cherubic screenshot above indicates. Having survived a bout with ovarian cancer in 2014, Janelle’s approach on daily life is filled with inspiration, optimism and creativity. She’s one of my most conversational friends on the platform, and while she’s working on building a course that kicks off next month (#FightingFear), she’s in no way an in-your-face salesperson like some others might be. Add her ASAP and don’t miss the next Funny Film Friday!

If high-energy conversation is your thing, meet ThisIsAbsorb.

ThisIsAbsorb comes across like a double-shot of Red Bull, chased by a Monster energy drink, but when you look deeper than the fluttering camera movements, you’ll find a deeply intelligent, caring and thoughtful young man. As an awesome listener and conversationalist, Absorb is a fitting nickname for this bass player from the UK, who I’ve seen learn and grow, especially on Twitter, over the few months that I’ve known him.

Cure your wanderlust with great travel Snaps from Cailin!

CailinOneil is a traveling Snapchatter with a big heart and a sweet sense of humor. Cailin’s Snaps always come off as remarkably relatable — a quality sometimes lost from some of the mega-influencer globetrotting Snappers. When you head out on a journey with Cailin, you genuinely feel like you’re coming along for the ride. I love seeing new places and exploring on Snapchat, but when I’m not on the road, keeping up with Cailin’s adventures is almost just as much fun.

Matt B. Davis’s Snaps never fail to entertain. (I swear, he doesn’t usually scour at the camera like that.)

Obstacle Racing Media, manned by Matt B. Davis, is a fun account that brings you behind-the-scenes access to ORM races around the globe. The competitions are exciting, for sure, but as I’ve said a million times, what makes a brand truly special is its people, and Matt is one of the realest, most genuine and kind-hearted guys you’ll ever come across, social media or otherwise. I’m grateful to call Matt a friend and I encourage you to find him on Snapchat, say hi and join him for an upcoming event — just as I hope to this spring.

Captain’s Log April 21, 2017: meet DailyDanica, one of the sweetest young women you’ll find on Snapchat.

DailyDanica, known in the real world as Danica Woolley, brings a striking balance of creativity, passion and kindness to her Snaps every day. She’s a fun-loving hockey Mom with a penchant for keeping up with the latest social media trends, and she always embraces opportunities to bring her friends along on journeys around her neck of the woods in Michigan. Danica’s a terrific conversationalist and a supportive friend, and if you’re new to Snapchat, she’s a great person to have in your corner.

Not all influencers are out of touch — meet Joel Comm.

Joel Comm is the most recognizable name on this list, which is designed to bring light and attention to lesser-known Snappers, but he makes it for good reason: he really is that down-to-earth, relatable and friendly. As a popular keynote speaker, author and futurist — you may have spotted him exploring Facebook’s new virtual reality tools the other night — Joel is one of the social media “bigshots,” but every time I tune in to his broadcasts, watch his Snaps or come across his Facebook posts, he really is working as hard as he can to keep in touch with all of his followers. I had the pleasure of meeting Joel at Summit Live 2016 in San Francisco and I couldn’t believe how grounded, gregarious and kind he was. Joel defines life at the cutting edge of social media, and so he’s been less present on Snapchat lately, but send him a personalized message, introduce yourself and I (almost) guarantee he’ll ping you back. He really is a great guy to know.

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I’m endlessly amused by Garebear’s Snapchat stories.

Aetheopus, better known as Garebear (or just plain Gary), isn’t on Snapchat for any type of fame, fortune or notoriety. This Dallas-based post-millennial, part of the original Meerkat family crew, doesn’t create stories every day, but when he does, they can be side-splittingly funny. Most of what you’ll see from Garebear is either somehow related to his home (improvements/cooking/etc.), or the tumultuous Texas gay dating life. Trust me, if you befriend Gary, you’re in for some laughs.

Oh Canada! Bree is a beloved Snapper from north of the border.

Breepalm — or just, Bree —may very well be the reason you, new Snapchatter, want to stick with the platform. It’s hard to think of anyone in the social media universe more genuinely kind, supportive and friendly than Bree Palmer, who has grown her brand exponentially over the last year by being herself and fostering deep, meaningful friendships with scores of Snapchatters, including me. When people ask “Why are you wasting time on Snapchat?” it’s perfectly acceptable to reply that you’re keeping up with Bree. She’s the author of the ongoing ‘Amazing Human Series,’ and this blog about our mutual friend Blake Croft is a perfect summation of how Bree’s presence boosts the Snapchat ecosystem every single day.

Happy #BowTieThursday, Vern!

RossPR, real name Vernon Ross, is the real deal. I met Vern last week at #MDMC17 in St. Louis and to say we clicked would be an understatement. We struck up a conversation at the opening night party and have been in constant communication since. Walking through the festivities at the Union Station hotel with Vern was a challenge, since almost everyone there wanted to chat him up — and with good reason. Vern’s networking abilities are off the charts, which translates to his incredibly warm, generous and conversational personality. If you’re heading through St. Louis, for #MDMC18 or earlier, make a point to track down Vernon Ross and say hi — especially if you can catch him on #BowTieThursday.

This blog post is brought to you by this book. Please consider getting one. Thank you …

***** This blog post is brought to you by ’50 States, 100 Days: The Book,’ my story about volunteering with youth-related organizations in all 50 U.S. states over the course of 100 days in the summer of 2015. If you’re loving this post, please consider ordering a copy of the book today here. *****

No one — NO ONE — solo road trips like Kim Gaskill.

EcoTek, real name Kim Gaskill, is a road-tripping force to be reckoned with. I had the pleasure of meeting Kim a couple weeks back at a Snapchat meetup in Manhattan, and you immediately realize that she’s even kinder and sweeter in person. And while I came in from Long Island, and others shuttled into Times Square from other parts of the city, Kim had driven almost 36 hours straight to get there — all in a day-and-a-half’s work for one of the most dedicated roadtrippers I’ve ever met. Kim’s a wonderful woman, a great friend and a terrific person to add to your Snapchat network.

→ Speaking of people I met at that NYC meetup a couple weeks ago, KerryMFlynn is a fun-loving Mashable reporter with a feisty sense of humor. Based out of Manhattan, Kerry is apt to be found in big cities around the country at a moment’s notice, and — as a quality millennial reporter is known to do — is great at succinctly sharing those stories in creative, amusing fashion. Kerry’s Snaps are a perfect complement to her Twitter feed, another source of topical, witty banter that wryly balances her daily business reporting.

Loved meeting EmilyShatters recently in Manhattan — she’s the real deal!

→ Speaking of people I met at that NYC meetup a few weeks ago (pro tip: go to social media meetups), EmilyShatters is another wonderful human and astute businesswoman to befriend. Emily is a family-first Mom with a passion for traveling, and on the road to and from Manhattan, she arranged a series of meet-ups of her own around the Eastern seaboard. She’s got a strong understanding of the ins and outs of social media marketing, and in addition to Snapchat, she’s bullish on the power of live-streaming video.

Bearcat ’til I die …

Bingbearcats, aka Binghamton University, is setting the standard for how universities nationwide can succeed through Snapchat. With an ongoing series of Snapchat takeovers — including today’s from the student union — my alma mater is bringing the voices of student leaders and ambassadors to the world, and redefining how a University can communicate simultaneously with its current student body, its digitally savvy alums and even the next generation of incoming freshmen. (See more on how I believe universities can leverage Snapchat.)

MattyPlatty’s on the brink of being an enormous Snapchat star.

→ Ever seen a Snapchatter smother himself in peanut butter for your entertainment? There is no length to which Matty.Platty will not go on Snapchat to get a laugh — an extreme selflessness that makes his stories worth watching every single time. But he’s far from just a creator — Matty is a bigtime supporter of the community, an interesting conversationalist and a strong proponent of collaboration. In fact, he’s part of the outstanding crew behind TenSecondTV, where his “Matty Platty Reviews” segments are one of the show’s brightest highlights. (More on TSTV later.) Matty’s a great young man and a terrific person to connect with on Snapchat ASAP.

It’s pizza time with Evie …

→ I recently met Eviewhy, real name Evie Yannakidis, through Mario Armstrong and the #NeverSettleShow, where her bubbly, electric personality shines through during each episode’s three-minute kickoff segment. But there’s much more to Evie than what you see on the show (by the way, watch the show, it’s incredible); her presence on each different social media platform (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat) feels like complimentary pieces to a deep, complex puzzle. She’s up for YouNow-er of the Year at this weekend’s Shorty Awards, and she’d have my vote despite the egregious, awful mistake of enjoying pineapple on pizza. (I kid, I kid.) Evie’s Snaps from around the Big Apple are one great window into the sophisticated life one of the internet’s brightest young shining stars.

Vincent Orleck is one of my favorite colleagues to banter with on social media.

→ Unbelievably, I’m featuring yet another New England Patriots fan in a blog post — yuck — but VincentOrleck is worth it. The self-proclaimed “NotAGuru” (one of my favorite monikers in social media) is an opinionated, well-connected resource with a great understanding of how to leverage Snapchat, and other platforms, as both a creator and a networker. Readers in the Phoenix area probably recognize Vincent from his regular social media-themed spots on the local Fox affiliate — which is really cool —but Vincent has done a tremendous job of building his brand way beyond Arizona state lines.

Is Katie Miller the kindest woman on Snapchat? This could well be.

→ In the world of social good on Snapchat, KatieSMiller is the woman to know. As the program coordinator for Liberty Family Outreach in Warren, Mich., Katie has set her nonprofit apart through her omnipresence, her well-networked connections and, most importantly, her enormous heart. Liberty Family Outreach is by no means an enormous organization, yet it sits on the tip of the tongue for many members of our global Snapchat community because of Katie’s tireless dedication to her work. A bad word has never been spoken about Katie Miller, to whom numerous Snapchatters have traveled many miles to volunteer with, spend time with and befriend. Katie Miller gives Snapchat a good name, every day, and if you’re evaluating everyone on this list to pick a few of the best to add, don’t skip Katie.

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Texting Cammy is fun, but I am endlessly entertained by trading voice messages with the heavily accented Cammy.

Cammysutra6, or just Cammy, is another #chatsnap alum whose channel mixes meaningful content, strong production value, cunning humor and a big heart. As a Snapchat ambassador for Glasgow, Cammy does extremely well to represent his homeland of Scotland with pride. He does a remarkable job of balancing creating on his own story with engaging and interacting with others, which has made him a beloved figure in numerous social circles. Cammy’s just all-around a great guy, and a terrific asset to any new user’s Snapchat starter kit.

Sara McDowell — always promoting her West Virginia.

Sarab_inWV, real name Sara McDowell, is one of my real-life best friends. I met Sara in state №48 — of course, West Virginia — of the 50-state TeamStrub adventure back in the summer of 2015. As the Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central West Virginia, Sara leaves absolutely no stone unturned in her relentless pursuit of helping youths in need around Charleston, W.V. — which has largely led her down a path of embracing social media technologies that other nonprofits simply won’t. Sara, who also runs “The Media Squirrel,” is a national leader in the nonprofit social media space, and meeting her in Charleston made my entire cross-country tour well worth the journey.

With Nick Rishwain, you never know what you’re gunna get.

njrish, better known as Nick Rishwain, has this incredible way of keeping his audience on its toes. I met Nick through Blab back in summer/fall 2015, in somewhat “formal” interview settings, but every time I come across Nick on Snapchat, I learn more and more that he’s got this fascinating, clever, sarcastic sense of humor that makes you want to keep on coming back. Nick is an incredibly devoted supporter, friend and all-around good guy, and the more you get to know him, the more he opens up this closet-comedic-genius side that makes him all the more interesting a guy.

This guy is incredible.

TheMikeMC, or just, well, Mike, is probably the most all-around talented Snapchatter on this list — and with his new venture, TenSecondTV, he’s found a phenomenal way to channel those skills. On a given day, Mike’s Snaps might strike you as a typical video games-loving, frozen pizza-fanatic millennial, but when he breaks out his creative side, Mike’s stories will simply blow you away. As the host of TenSecondTV, Mike’s quick wit and sharp sense of humor shines through, but it’s his editing prowess (along with co-producer Piiinky, who I wrote about last time) that makes TSTV a can’t-miss bi-weekly production. (I also wrote more about TenSecondTV here.) Every chat I’ve had with Mike furthers my belief that he’s a great young guy with a super bright future ahead of him.


Want to know how to build relationships and add value on Snapchat, and other social media channels? This blog post, “Grind, Defined,” outlines a 10-step process.

Wondering what building connections on Snapchat can do? Check out this collaboration I did last April, at the conclusion of a 50-day project called #StrubSnapSwaps — “Make SnapSwaps Great Again:”

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Chris Strub is the first man to live-stream and Snapchat in all 50 U.S. states, an accomplished millennial speaker and the author of ’50 States, 100 Days: The Book,’ available now at TeamStrub.com. He hopes to be your 51st Snapchatter to follow in 2017. He’ll appear at the Social Shake-Up 2017 in Atlanta, May 22–24, and is keynoting at the Business Vlog Summit in Las Vegas, Aug. 2–4. To book Chris to speak at your event, email chrisstrub (at) gmail (dot) com.

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Chris Strub

The 1st man to live-stream in 50 U.S. states. Have worked with more than 100 nonprofits nationwide, Formerly @Humana. chrisstrub@gmail.comwww.teamstrub.com