An Actual Battle For WinterfellSo this is something I put together in a couple hours because holy mother of dragons was that the worst battle plan I’ve ever seen…Apr 29, 20192Apr 29, 20192
Published inThe CauldronSXSW’s Astounding Ideals of CowardiceSouth by Southwest’s stunning decision to cancel a panel dealing with online harassment is as embarrassing as it is unjustifiable and…Oct 27, 201529Oct 27, 201529
Published inThe CauldronAn Open Letter To Bob McNair, Owner Of The Houston TexansWhat should we make of a billionaire homophobe donating money in furtherance of the denigration of an entire class of American citizens?Oct 21, 201517Oct 21, 201517
Published inThe CauldronHow NFL teams manipulate injured players, the system for financial gain“Know the difference between being hurt, and being injured.”Oct 15, 20153Oct 15, 20153
Published inThe CauldronChris Kluwe: Three reasons your favorite teams stinks at special teamsS o I’ve talked about some pretty downer stuff regarding football recently, and I think it’s time to lighten the mood. Sure, there are…Oct 14, 2015Oct 14, 2015
Published inThe CauldronBroken Men And Their Broken SystemThe National Football League is doing a great disservice to its ex-players. What’s worse, the situation is an avoidable one.Apr 2, 20155Apr 2, 20155
Published inThe CauldronWhat I Won’t Be Celebrating This YearIt’s Christmas Eve, and I am another year older. Which is more than I can say for some people.Dec 25, 20143Dec 25, 20143
Published inThe CauldronWhy #Gamergaters Piss Me The F*** OffI played in the NFL for eight years, but I’ve been a gamer for 26 — I’m sick and tired of the misogynistic culture in the gaming community.Oct 21, 201487Oct 21, 201487