Leadership Tips: Increase Your Speed And Avoid Burnout

Christine M. Riordan
2 min readJun 15, 2018


If you are a leader in your company or industry, then it means you are probably cut from a different cloth. You like to go fast all the time. And of course you have been rewarded due to more competitiveness and better results for your business. But if you are going to win the marathon, not the sprint, of business, then here is how you can avoid burnout while getting faster:

Morning Routine

When you have a morning routine that you enjoy, it can make all the difference in the world. Far too many business leaders make the mistake of getting right out of bed and checking emails, responding to calls, or heading to work to try to “get a head start.”

A proper morning routine allows you to improve your mood throughout the day. It also lets you put your body in the right mode, pumping blood to your body and brain so you can have more energy and think better. Try meditation, yoga, running, and journaling in the morning and you’ll never look back.

Refine Goals

Part of increasing your speed without burning out is psychology. You need to have the best motivation available to you daily. To do this, refine your goals. Set bigger goals with more aggressive timelines and really drive home the reason why you want them so bad. And be sure to write them down everyday, giving you fuel and purpose at every turn.

Leverage Your Team

Sure, you want to be more productive and faster at what you do. However, that doesn’t mean you need to do everything in your business on your own. While you are the leader, you still have others that are your support network. Learn when it’s the right time to delegate tasks, especially repetitive ones. This improves confidence in your team that you trust them. It also frees you up to focus on the higher level aspects of your business and goals so you have a higher ROI on time.

When it comes to getting more out of your time, it is tempting to burn the candle at both ends. This is great, until you burnout and have no energy left. Use the strategies above so you can get faster at your work without sacrificing the longevity needed to reach your long term goals.



Christine M. Riordan

Leadership Author|Speaker. President|Adelphi University|New York. Mom to two teenagers|bulldog. Thoughts expressed here are my own.