Get excited about the Drip Reservoir: A 0.299BNB deposit will raise DRIP to $100, guaranteed.

Dr. Chris
3 min readMay 8, 2022

An often overlooked way for stellar returns while supporting the price of DRIP.

The DRIP Reservoir: Stellar Flow of Returns

The DRIP Ecosystem has grown tremendously since its launch in April 2021.

Everyone is familiar with the Faucet, the Garden, and the Farm.

But there is another excellent piece of the Ecosystem that’s totally underrated, underused and undervalued—the DRIP Reservoir. Insiders are currently piling into the Reservoir like there’s no tomorrow:

DRIP Reservoir DROP Token Balance showing an exponential upward trend
DRIP Reservoir DROP Token Balance

This is primarily thanks to a great initiative started by Easy from Easy Step Investing, and a great community that sees the truth in this message:

If everybody who holds a DRIP wallet today invests 0.299BNB into the Reservoir, the price of DRIP will be supported at around US$100!

There are more than 100k Drip Wallets out there and if everybody invested 0.299BNB per wallet (just a touch over US$100 at the time of writing), we WILL see the price of DRIP rise above $100. And because 3% of your 10%…



Dr. Chris

Well traveled, well read, well worn. Studied Medicine in Germany and practice Anaesthesiology in Australia. Integrated man.