The PDX Collective Resource Guide

8 min readNov 17, 2016


The PDX Collective Resource Guide has grown and moved! Go here: Plug In PDX

The PDX Collective Resource Guide has grown and moved! Go here: Plug In PDX

I’m a Portland based reporter and theater critic. It’s two months until Donald Trump becomes the next president. Many of us have been weathering the sea change and gone through the 5 stages of grief. We have little time before a fascist assumes control. It’s time to saddle up and build a foundation to keep our communities safe and intact.

The most important resource is human: our friends, family, neighbors, the person who rings up your groceries.

In the last days I’ve seen many people assemble lists on social media to help one another in this time and the coming struggles ahead. This is a collective resource of those. I hope to keep adding to it, as more information becomes available. Thank you to everyone who spent time gathering and sharing this information. This is a living collective resource guide. It is by no means complete or definitive. It’s for people coming from different backgrounds.

Knowledge is power. Power to the people. No change can come without joy. Build ecstatically. Look at the leaves, trees and forests. Listen. Step aside (that means long time held beliefs, too) to reach a goal. Be unconditional in your love and love and take care of yourself.

January 20th is not far away. Know your neighbors, build your neighborhood, get involved. Donate to organizations which will support people at risk or will be under threat of funding cuts by the Trump administration.Where can we start? We have to start at home.

Here’s are a few articles on how to start:

In Times Like These by David O’Bryant

How cities can protect people threatened by Trumpism by Arun Gupta

Nunca Mas! People Powered Strategy in the Time of Trump by Doyle Canning

Autocracy: Rules for Survival by Masha Green

(I recommend printing this out as a guideline for the future.)

Donald Trump will be president. This is what we do next. By Jon Schwarz

The Resistance: How to defeat Donald Trump’s plot against America by Stranger Staff

On Solidarity Networks:

Solidarity Networking

The Rural Organizing Project

“Now” resources for people at risk:

Find a buddy program

Here’s some other good ideas:

Boycott the businesses which contributed to the Trump campaign

Women’s March on Portland Jan. 21, 2017

Nation Wide Strike on Jan. 20, 2017

Upcoming Portland Resistance and Rallies

On Sanctuary Cities:

PDX is a sanctuary city. New York, the state of California and many colleges and universities have pledged to be, as well.

A list of sanctuary cities.

Security Culture:

The National Security Agency or NSA is a wide reaching surveillance program tapped into our computers, social media accounts, emails and cell phones. Donald Trump and his administration will have access to all of your information. Your cell phone can be tracked and tell authorities exactly where you are. It's imperative right now to secure your privacy. This also means that organizing online, especially through social media is not advisable. While we shouldn't self-censor, as the Miranda Rights say: “Anything you say can and will be used against you.” Be smart and savvy.

Here are two good guidelines:

Surveillance self defense

How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour

On the Alt-Right:

The Alt-Right is a media spin word. They are Neo-Nazis. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Learn about them. They have roots to a longer history in the United States which is organized, well funded and armed.

Understanding what the Alt-Right really is

Background on the Alt-Right

The History of the Alt-Right

Alexander Reid Ross

Defining American Fascism

Up in arms: A guide to Oregon’s Patriot Movement

How Donald Trump is a fascist

Hold your elected officials accountable.

We need the support of local and national politicians. They need to be held accountable. Know who they are. Put their phone numbers in your contact list.

Emails and online petitions are great. But, they don’t get results. Take a few minutes and call your representative.

How to make your congressman listen to you by a former staffer

Here is a list of very detailed sample draft resolutions and ordinances that local governments can pass to protect all those under attack by Trump and Trumpism.

On being an ally or comrade:

Being an ally or a comrade means understanding and checking your white privilege. It means standing up and being a shield against racism. It means listening. It means putting your ego and fragility at the door. It means stepping up and refusing to allow your privilege to harm others. It means white women understanding intersectional feminism.

White privilege: unpacking the invisible knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

Intersectional Feminism 101

White women, you need to talk about racism

Syllabus for white people to educate themselves


Gender spectrum glossary

How to be an LGBTQIAPK ally

The New Civil Rights Movement


Basic Feminist Theory and links

How to be an ally

On mansplaining


Journalism: on the state of the 4th estate

As a freelance journalist, I take responsibility that the press has failed to be a check and balance and has aided the election of Donald Trump. Newspapers, journalists from the 4th and 5th estates should be writing how they are going forward and embodying an ethical path. They should be developing tactics. Social media like Facebook and Twitter made a lot of money off of this campaign and spread fake news. They need to own up to their responsibility and take measures to stop their hand in spreading disinformation. We cannot control the narrative without the truth. We cannot know what is happening in our country and what our representatives are doing without a free press. As citizens we can boycott publications and journalists who don’t play their part on the right side of history. We can follow and buy subscriptions to ethical journalism. There is a list of journalists and papers to follow on the Twitter section here.

The Fact Checker’s guide for detecting fake news

List of fake news sites

List of fake news sites on Facebook

What normalization means

PDX Journalism to follow:

Dirk VanderHart at the Portland Mercury

Cameron Whitten, citizen journalist

Arun Gupta

Street Roots

Local Organizations:

The American Civil Liberties Union or ACLU

Get the app for your phone.

If you record video on your phone, it will go straight to their cloud. They have a number of resources there, as well, which you will be able to access quickly.

They have made a public statement about their stance with the Trump administration.

Follow local ACLU legal director on Twitter: @MatPDX


Rose City Antifa

Portland Anarchist Black Cross

Disability Rights Oregon


OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon

Portland Rising Tide

Bark! Defending and Restoring Mt. Hood


Jewish Voices for Peace

Muslim Education Trust


Human Rights Watch

Save Oregon’s Medicare/Medicaid

One People’s Project

Consult Hardesty

Oregon Latino Health Coalition

Portland Solidarity Network

Outside In

Portland’s Resistance

Momentum Alliance

Southern Poverty Law Center

A list of national resources: concrete suggestions for preparing for 2017


Cully Housing Action Team (CHAT)

Portland Tenants United (PTU)

Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT)

LGBTQIAPK Resources:

Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC)

Pride at Work Oregon

Legal/Social Justice:

Oregon Justice Resource Center

Innocence Project

Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International

Campaign Zero

Racial Justice:

NAACP Portland

APANO: Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon

MRG Foundation

Black Parent Initiative

Standing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)

Black Lives Matter Portland

Unite Oregon


Don’t Shoot Portland

Marilyn Buck Abolitionist Collective

Reproductive Rights:

Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette


Portland IWW

SEIU 503

Portland Jobs with Justice

Burgerville Workers Union

Portland Voz

Northwest Workers’ Justice Project


Twitter may have a bad rap for it’s condensed and often snarky commentary, but it was effective for Donald Trump. We may as well fight fire with fire. Don’t become a slacktavist, though, real live human gestures are what is needed more than ever.

It is where you find Black Twitter, which effectively has helped grow the dialogue and been a force in activism. It also has been a champion of Feminism.

Twitter doesn’t replace the long standing narrative which seasoned ethical journalists can provide, but it is seconds away from news that happens. The news hits Twitter days before published newspapers and television broadcasts and hours before Facebook. Don’t believe everything you read. Like it’s been said of Wikipedia, it’s a good place to start.

Who to follow on Black Twitter

Suggestions of other people to follow

@Teressa_Raiford Jeet Heer @simon_schama @GreatDismal @jonathanchait @TheCFReport @ATLBlackStar @ESTBLSHMNT @davidgraeber @KashannKilson @radicaldaily @pdxlawgrrrl




Beat reporter for a newspaper. Theater and arts critic for others. Chef of sandwiches, person with opposable green thumb. Dry sense of humor.