Cheap Healthy Tasty Foods

Eat well, Live well, Be Happy 

2 min readApr 1, 2014

My inspiration to blog on cheap healthy foods has come from my passion to teach that it is possible to buy inexpensive foods that are healthy. My last trip to the grocery store consisted of buying lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and starches that would last for me one week. I spent $30.00 at the grocery store. This inspired me to create recipes with price points to show how to eat well without blowing your budget.

Tuna Salad (Lunch)


  • Can of tuna. $.89 cents
  • Tomato .$50 cents
  • Pack of baby carrots $1.25
  • Power of the greens lettuce $2.50
  • Annies greek salad dressing $3.00
  • Olive oil salad Dressing $2.50
  • Whole wheat bread $2.50
  • Total: $13.14.

Please note that the cost of this meal will be reduced if you have the salad dressing/light mayo and whole wheat bread in stock. The cost of this meal would be reduced to $2.64.

Seasonings/Condiments: Mustard, Relish, Seasoning Salt, Black Pepper, Paprika.

Optional additions: Cucumber $1.00, Romaine Lettuce $1.00, Boiled Egg $.25 cents, Light Mayo $3.00 for jar.


Open can of tuna and pour into bowl. Chop up half of tomato, 4-5 small carrots and a handful of power of the greens lettuce. Pour vegetables into bowl with tuna. Pour 2 tbsp of greek salad dressing and 1 tbsp of olive oil dressing to bowl. Add seasonings to taste. Toast one or two slices of whole wheat bread. Servings: 1. Time total: 10-15 Minutes

Nutritional Value:

The total combined calories in this tuna salad is approximately 250 calories plus 100 calories for the whole wheat bread.

Tuna: Omega 3, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 and Protein.

Tomatoes:Vitamin C. Carrots: Vitamin A.

Swiss Chard: Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium

Kale: Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese

Spinach: Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Manganese, Folate

Whole Wheat Bread: Manganese, Fiber

Black Pepper: Manganese, Vitamin K.

Mustard: Selenium

This tuna salad sandwich is a cheap, yet healthy and tasty option for lunch. The tuna, fresh vegetables and whole wheat bread provide many vital nutrients perfect for a mid day meal. When choosing a healthy meal it is best to find a meal high in protein and moderate in complex carbohydrates for efficient energy that your body needs.

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