Passing the final baton

Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns
3 min readNov 5, 2015

Christian Aid campaigner Rachel Bowers writes about the efforts of climate activists in Africa

66 days, almost 100 cyclists and 5500km after starting the Pan-African Cycling Caravan, organised by Act Alliance, We Have Faith and PACJA, the end is almost in sight.

Team Malawi finish their route as they cycle into Tanzania

Tanzania’s team took over from Malawi on 17 October and were received into Norwegian Church Aid’s country office by Tale Birkeland Hungnes.

‘For us here in Tanzania climate change has a human face’ she said, proud yet resolute; ‘we are committed to ensure that future generations benefit from our efforts’.

Now cycling through its 8th country on the way to the final destination of Nairobi in Kenya next week, the caravan of climate activists has seen first-hand the drastic reduction of water in the Kariba Dam in Zambia, livelihoods being devastated by changing weather patterns in Malawi, and food going scarce in Botswanna.

They carried these stories with them to neighbouring countries on their journeys and they’ve made their way to us.

Cyclists nearing the end of their 9 country route

The past months have mobilised entire communities to rally in support of African voices calling out for a just climate deal at COP21 this December. But the deal isn’t only for Africa. In many different ways the entire world will feel the impact of shifting temperatures and we need to act now to save our world from its current trajectory.

Whilst there’s consensus that a two degree increase from pre-industrial levels will be the irreversible tipping point for our planet, current country pledges put forward for the deal in Paris this year are not enough and still put us on the track for a three degree rise.

This means that accounts of how climate change is impacting people will become more frequent and more severe.

Penelope and Margaret using their voice to campaign for a safer climate

The ACT climate petition, which our cyclists have been urging their nations to sign, calls for a global commitment to keep warming below two degrees.

Hundreds of thousands of signatures is a loud call. Millions is louder.

Along with partners across the world, the ACT Alliance petition is set to exceed its target of 1 million signatures and could be on track for 2 million cries for climate justice.

With the world’s eyes and ears on Paris, now is the time to act.

Sign your name and share the petition widely to join the cyclists in the final eight days of their mission.

When global leaders see the millions of signatures, will they see yours?

Zambian Church gathered to show mass support for the cyclists’ campaign



Christian Aid
Christian Aid Campaigns

An agency of more than 40 churches in Britain and Ireland wanting to end poverty around the world.