Being a Pro Athlete: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

From sportsmanship and professionalism, to humility and anger, to loss, fear and resurrection

Christian Lopez
8 min readSep 25, 2019

Being a professional baseball player is one of the proudest achievements of my life, it made me feel like a god amongst men, like I had fulfilled a destiny that was pre-ordained for me before I ever set foot on this Earth.

But, it has also made me feel like an infant among men, like a failure, and sometimes like it was more damaging than it was beneficial.

Have you ever been part of team? Whether it was in sports, in your family, at work, among your group of friends or with a significant other. Where the camaraderie was out-of-this world and you genuinely enjoyed being around your teammates every single day, doing what you love to do and working together toward a common goal.

Now imagine GETTING PAID to do this…

That was my reality for a decade of my life!

The Good

I got to hang out with my buds, put a uniform on, play with a baseball, interact with fans, sign autographs, travel to different cities, meet new people, compete to win a championship… and I collected a paycheck every two weeks for doing so.
Can life get any better?

