The Top 8 Ways to Stay Healthy

Christine Haworth
1 min readMar 7, 2017


No one likes to get sick, and with colds, the flu, and plenty of other diseases going around, it’s important to take care of yourself. Cynthia Myers wrote an article on Jillian Michaels website describing ten ways to stay healthy. Some of the suggestions are what you’d expect, but others were somewhat suprising. From those ten suggestions, I’ve focused in on the top eight ways to stay healthy.

So, what are the top eight ways to stay healthy? It’s important for people to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise, use sunscreen, don’t smoke, manage stress, make friends and get checkups. Eating a balanced diet is prety self explanatory. In recent years, the importance of eating nutrient-based foods, and foods with less sugar and fat is engrained into any health advice. Getting enough sleep and excersing for 1.25–2.5 hours is also not anything suprising. However, I was suprised on the emphasis on making friends. I didn’t know about the benefits associated with having friends and being social.

Take a look at the eight tips to staying healthy on the infographic below!

