Iphone Parental Control Apps: Safeguard Your Kids Now!

Christopher Williams
4 min readJun 20, 2024


Iphone Parental Control Apps

Are you worried about your kids using their iPhones too much or visiting unsafe websites? Don’t worry! There are many Iphone Parental Control Apps that can help you keep your children safe. One of the best apps for this is called ClevGuard.

What is ClevGuard?

ClevGuard is an app that helps parents watch over their kids’ iPhone activities. It has many features that make sure your children are safe online and offline. This app can track what your kids do on their phones, like their web history, calls, and text messages.

Main Features of ClevGuard

ClevGuard offers four different apps in its KidsGuard range:

  • KidsGuard
  • KidsGuard Pro
  • KidsGuard for WhatsApp
  • KidsGuard for LINE

Let’s look at what each app can do:


The main KidsGuard app is the most traditional parental control app in the range. Here are some of its features:

  • Web and App Filtering: Blocks bad websites and apps.
  • Location Tracking: Shows where your child is.
  • Geofencing: Alerts you if your child goes out of a safe area.
  • Activity Reports: Gives reports on what your child is doing.
  • Remote Lock: Lets you lock your child’s phone screen from afar.
  • Call Filter: Blocks unwanted calls.

Kidsguard Pro

KidsGuard Pro is more like a surveillance app. It has many powerful features:

  • Call and SMS Monitoring: Lets you block phone numbers, record calls, and check text messages.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Allows you to see your child’s chat logs on apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, TikTok, and more.
  • Web Monitoring: Shows all the websites your child visits.
  • Remote Device Controls: Lets you take screenshots, photos, and record audio around your child’s phone.
  • Check Phone Files: Gives access to your child’s photos, videos, and calendars.
  • Keylogger: Records all the keystrokes typed on the device.

Kidsguard For Whatsapp

This app focuses on WhatsApp. It can:

  • Track WhatsApp chats
  • Check received documents
  • Monitor status updates
  • Listen to voice memos
  • Review call history
  • Check multi-media files

Kidsguard For Line

This app is for monitoring LINE activities. It can:

  • View recent LINE chat threads
  • Listen to voice messages
  • Check call logs
  • Monitor multi-media files
  • Set keyword alerts and time limits
Iphone Parental Control Apps: Safeguard Your Kids Now!
Iphone Parental Control Apps: Safeguard Your Kids Now!

Why Choose ClevGuard?

ClevGuard is a great choice for parents who want to keep their kids safe. Here are some reasons why:

  • Multiple Features: ClevGuard has many features that can help you keep your kids safe.
  • Easy to Use: The apps are easy to use, even for parents who are not tech-savvy.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: You can see what your child is doing in real-time.
  • Custom Alerts: Set alerts for specific keywords or locations.
  • Remote Control: Control your child’s phone from afar.

Cons of ClevGuard

While ClevGuard is great, it does have some downsides:

  • Multiple Apps: You need to use different apps for different features.
  • Cost: Each app requires a separate subscription.
  • Invasiveness: KidsGuard Pro is very invasive and can be installed without your child’s knowledge.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Parental Control

It’s important to talk to your kids about why you are using parental control apps. Here are some tips:

  • Be Honest: Tell your kids why you are using the app.
  • Explain the Benefits: Let them know that it’s for their safety.
  • Set Rules Together: Make rules together so your kids feel involved.
  • Respect Their Privacy: Let them know that you respect their privacy and will only check when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Iphone Parental Control Apps?

IPhone parental control apps help monitor and manage children’s device usage.

How Do Parental Control Apps Work?

Parental control apps monitor activities and set usage limits on devices.

Is Clevguard The Best Parental Control App?

ClevGuard offers multiple features for comprehensive child monitoring.

Can I Track My Child’s Location?

Yes, ClevGuard allows real-time location tracking for your child’s safety.


Iphone Parental Control Apps like ClevGuard are very helpful for keeping your kids safe. They offer many features that allow you to monitor your child’s activities and ensure their safety. While ClevGuard has some downsides, it is still a great tool for responsible digital parenting.

To learn more about ClevGuard and get the app, visit ClevGuard.



Christopher Williams

I’m An Internet Entrepreneur. An Internet marketer with over 7+ years of experience in traffic generation.