Common Injuries a Person May Have Following a Car Accident

Clint Watkins
2 min readJan 6, 2018


Each year, there are nearly 6 million car crashes in the United States alone. These accidents can cause bodily harm, property damage and in some cases can lead to death. While there are a number of things a person can do to steer clear of common car accidents, in some instances they are unavoidable.

One of the main things a car owner needs to do after being involved in a collision is to get checked out by medical professionals. Some of the injuries sustained in a car accident are not immediately detectable, which is why allowing a medical professional to assess a person’s condition is important. The following are just some of the most common injuries a person can face when being involved in a car accident.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

During a car accident, a person may experience a blow to their head. This blunt force can lead to a variety of long-term injuries developing. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be mild like a concussion or can be quite severe.

The more severe TBIs can cause memory loss, speech issues and the inability to concentrate for longer periods of time. If a person suspects they have a TBI following a car wreck, they need to seek out the help of car accident doctors in their area.

Neck and Back Injuries are Common in These Wrecks

If an accident involves a rear end collision, the people involved will usually have neck and back injuries. Whiplash is among the most common neck and back injuries sustained in these types of accidents. This condition can affect a person’s vertebrae, ligaments and their spinal cord.

In severe cases of whiplash, a person may experience permanent paralysis as a result of their injuries. Diagnosing and treating these conditions is much easier when getting assistance from a reputable accident injury clinic.

Waiting to get medical attention following a car accident can make the injuries a person sustains much worse. Since 1995, the team at Accident Care and Treatment Center, Inc. have been helping car accident victims in their area. Visit their website or give them a call to find out more about the services they can provide.

