Client Reviews a Success on ChromeInfo Technologies’ Clutch Profile!

2 min readOct 12, 2015

At ChromeInfo Technologies, we understand the importance of being accessible to companies looking to partner with an outstanding software solutions and services company. Knowing that competition can get in the way, we felt that we needed to be on a platform that allows potential clients to see how great our services are.

This is why we decided to create a profile on Clutch. Clutch is a research firm in Washington, D.C. that’s committed to discovering the leaders in industries such as advertising and marketing, web and software development, mobile app development and IT consulting. Clutch doesn’t take shortcuts with their online directory listings and research, so we knew that ChromeInfo Technologies would receive the visibility we need to interact with potential clients.

Clutch’s process required ChromeInfo Technologies to fill out a detailed questionnaire, providing information about the services we offer and the clients and industries we provide solutions to most often. Our favorite part of our profile is the client reviews section.

Customers can’t simply go to our profile and leave a comment or review. Clutch analysts reach out to our clients and conduct personal, one-on-one, phone interviews to get an unbiased view of what it’s like working with ChromeInfo Technologies. Our customers’ responses give us an idea of what we’re succeeding in, and also insights into areas where we can improve. With nine reviews logged on our profile, and a 5-star rating from each of those reviews, it’s safe to say we’re pretty happy with the thorough procedures Clutch has in place — and the positive feedback from our clientele!

The client feedback we’ve received through Clutch keeps us motivated to continue to improve our services, and our service to our customers. One of our valued clients, the lead developer of a small business software firm, said,”(ChromeInfo Technologies) does the work, and it gets done on time. We’re happy with the standard of work. They’re very responsive. They were on time for all major deadlines.

Another client of ours, the president of an educational publisher, said,”I can throw anything at (ChromeInfo Technologies), and they can build it. I’ve asked them to do things they’ve never done before, and they can figure it out. If I compare experiences with other companies I’ve worked with, there’s no comparison.”

Reading these thoughtful and positive reviews truly inspires us to continue providing great services for our clients. At ChromeInfo Technologies, we find that previous client testimonials are one of the greatest compliments to our software solutions and services. ChromeInfo Technologies looks forward to maintaining this partnership with Clutch to continue to learn about our clients’ needs and how we can best serve them!




ChromeInfotech is an award-winning Mobile and Web Application Development Company in the USA ,Au and India.Visit us for more: