Become a Cindicator Analyst!

Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2017

Our financial analysts are an essential part of Cindicator Hybrid Intelligence. It is they who provide “the wisdom of the crowd”, which is later processed with our machine learning models and turned into accurate forecasts. It is impossible to overestimate how valuable our analysts are, and they have our sincere gratitude.

In this post we want to explain the great benefits of becoming a forecaster.

1. Training

A good education is indisputably one of the most important and valuable things we can receive in our life, and practice is an essential part of the education process. We cannot learn a new skill without exercising it first.

Cindicator cannot offer you classes on corporate finance or trading, but you can train yourself, using our app. Every day you will receive a number of questions on all relevant events in both traditional financial assets and crypto assets, along with links to all the information needed to make a forecast. You can track your progress and see where you were wrong, which is the first step to improving your expertise. The app is easy, convenient, and absolutely free to use. It is already available on Android and iOS platforms, and we plan to launch a web platform in early December.

2. Rewards

Cindicator provides our analysts with an opportunity to monetize their skills and knowledge in a relaxed way. We send monthly rewards to the most accurate analysts — those with top ratings. Our ratings are nulled each month, so newcomers have the same chances of getting to the top as our veterans. There is a complete meritocracy –- the accuracy of your answers is all that matters.

We are steadily increasing our monthly reward pool. It was $1,500 and 0.4 BTC in August 2017; in October, two months later, it is $2,000 and 0.6 BTC. We have already paid more than $60,000 in total since the launch of the crowd forecasting app. And we are constantly working on improving the motivational system to further express our gratitude to our analysts.

In addition to financial compensation, we are also happy to provide our precise analysts with official certificates of their expertise. Such certificates are valued in the financial world, and we know of at least one case where it helped its owner to receive a job offer from a serious Wall Street company.

3. Community

We are very proud of our supporters: data scientists, engineers, financial experts and researchers form a unique community. Joining Cindicator as an analyst gives one access to this international network of professionals and provides an opportunity to talk to people barely reachable in ordinary circumstances. It also provides an opportunity to share the experience with like-minded people and to learn from the best.

In Cindicator we consider our community as a part of our core team. Therefore, we aim to interact closely with our community members; to work with them through the various community programs we are constantly developing.

4. Cindicator

Imagine millions of analysts whose efforts are enhanced by artificial intelligence. Hybrid Intelligence has every chance of bringing the revolution to contemporary analytics –- not only in finance, politics, and sports,but in all areas where the forecasting of future events is necessary. By joining our analytics ranks now, you can become part of this success.

Join us in this journey now!

Download our app for iOS and Android.


Cindicator Team

