Cindicator in Australia and New Zealand: first insights and plans

5 min readJan 22, 2018


As we repeatedly made clear in the period during and after the token sale — successfully completed in September 2017 — our token holders and community as a whole are an indispensable part of the Cindicator ecosystem. Immediately after the token sale we decided to expand the community and improve channels of communication through direct personal contact.

We started in Australia and New Zealand because, looking at the map of our token holders right after the token sale finished, you will see that Australia is one of the top three countries in terms of the number of token holders and the amount of ETH sent (along with the United Kingdom and Japan).

In December 2017 Cindicator’s Head of Analytics, Kate, spent almost a month in Australia and New Zealand. The first stop was Auckland, New Zealand, where she met with members of the Cindicator community. Cindicator products, Bitcoin’s latest moves, recent and upcoming ICOs, and the endless possibilities of the crypto revolution were all discussed.

Here are a few words from Kate about her trip:

When I stepped off the plane it hit me that I’d traded in a cold winter for warmer climes. Though it was the middle of winter for the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere it was summer. During my time down under I visited Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney. It was a whistle-stop tour, and I travelled around by plane, but during my time in each city I made an effort to walk around as much as possible.

The second stop was Melbourne, where I met several Cindicator supporters. One of them was Kai Ansaari, one of the Cindicator gurus (this is what we called our early supporters who helped to manage our Telegram chatroom). Even though I was only in Melbourne for a few days, I managed to visit Blockchain Centre with some of our token holders.

Blockchain Centre, Melbourne, Australia

The weather was different from city to city, and I was pretty lucky all things considered, although I did get a taste of Melbourne’s changeable weather. I went out one morning in a jumper and jeans, but by lunchtime it was very hot and sunny and I was down to a t-shirt. A Cindicator token holder I was meeting told me to expect rain. I didn’t believe him, but sure enough, it was pouring down with rain two hours later. This was the ‘four seasons in one day’ Melbourne is well known for.

After that I continued my tour of Australia, visiting Adelaide and Brisbane. A chance meetup in Adelaide came together at the last minute, which was a relief as I wasn’t expecting to find a huge community in the smallest of the cities I visited. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Don Reddin for organising the meetup, giving me the opportunity to present Cindicator’s current and future products. It is this friendliness and generosity of spirit that makes being part of the Cindicator community so exciting and rewarding.

Kate and Cindicator’s supporters in Adelaide, Australia

In Brisbane I met one of the founding partners of blockchain hedge fund JSON Capital Brett Freeman and Peter Reid, a Cindicator supporter from the very beginning, as well as several token holders and supporters.

Kate and Brett Freeman in Brisbane, Australia

I spent around two weeks In Sydney, and by the end I must have covered pretty much the whole of it on foot. Despite it being a hot summer I didn’t get the chance to swim when I was there. If I wasn’t sleeping I was running from meeting to meeting, and seeing token holders, supporters and partners.

During my stay in Australia’s largest city I managed to meet our security adviser and smart contract auditor Bokky. I also met one of our earliest supporters, @wbever, who was very active as an admin for a long time, giving us space to breathe, at least for a couple of hours a day. I also visited one of Sydney’s key crypto events in December, the Cryptomas party. I would like to give special thanks to Adriana Belotti in particular for inviting me to this amazing event!

Kate and Bokky at CryptoMas party in Sydney, Australia

The crypto community in Australia and New Zealand is amazing, and I am so grateful to have been a part of the incredible programme of workshops and other events taking place there. I’m looking forward to opening an office in Australia and changing the world with the Australian crypto community!


· Over 80 meetings held with token holders, supporters and partners

· Contact made with over 200 people

· Connections made with more than 20 potential partners, with negotiations on partnership now underway

· Links established with the crypto community in Sydney, with plans to work closely alongside some of its members to promote the crypto industry and share our experiences with the wider public

· Potential venue for a branch office in Australia found

· We think that this was a very successful experience, and plan to carry out similar meetings in other countries in the near future, starting with Japan, the USA, the UK and China

· Exclusive Cindicator t-shirts awarded to members of the Cindicator community.


Cindicator Team.

