November Prize Withdrawal FAQ

3 min readDec 6, 2017


We truly appreciate everyone’s feedback on our most recent update — New System of Analyst Motivation (quick recap: starting from the November rating, all analysts who earn more than 1 point are awarded with a portion of the prize fund, which has increased 3x to meet the number of winners). For those who found themselves in our November Prize Distribution table, congratulations!

Here are some answers to questions we received about Cindicator’s new system:

What exchange rate should I use to check if I met the $10 threshold with my BTC prize?

We are currently and will continue to use the latest exchange rate on Poloniex in any given month. In the case of November’s prize fund distribution, it’s the exchange rate at 23:59:59 November 30th UTC: 10,233.60 USD to BTC.

I was awarded less than $10 in either challenge but my account holds more than $10 in total. Can I still claim my prize?

Yes, if you were awarded with more than $10 in total across both ratings you can request a transfer. We prepared an aggregated table where we calculated the sum of both prizes for each analyst in the rating:

How will my prize money be transferred?

All prizes will be transferred in ETH. We are currently and will continue to use the latest exchange rate on Poloniex in any given month. In the case of November’s prize fund distribution, it’s the exchange rate at 23:59:59 November 30th UTC: 447.11 USD to ETH. This value is calculated in the final November table with aggregated results:

What should I do to request a transfer?

On Friday December 8th we’ll roll out an update to all of our apps (iOS, Android, and web) where you’ll find a “public ETH address” field in the Profile section of your chosen platform. If your prize exceeds $10 and you’d like to request a transfer, fill out this field with a valid ETH address. Please only use a ETH address to which you hold a private key (please do not use crypto-exchange ETH addresses).

When will the money be transferred?

The analysts who request a transfer will have one week to provide their public ETH address to the system. We will conduct the transfers on Friday December 15th.

I was awarded a prize before so you already have my public ETH address. Do I need to provide any more details?

Once we roll out our updates to the profile section, please do the following:

  • if you’d like to request a transfer of your November reward, please update the app and check we have your correct public ETH address in the system;
  • if you don’t want to request a transfer this time, please remove the address from your Profile. This is a temporary measure to ensure there won’t be an automatic transfer — in the next iteration we will include a special setting for this scenario.

Have a great week,

Cindicator Team.

