Our progress on the roadmap since the Token Sale

3 min readNov 2, 2017


We have always been as transparent as possible. We continue this practice by sharing the current progress on our roadmap with you here.

ML Team Progress

In recent years, the assembly models, i.e., the development of more precise predictors based on weaker models, have become more and more successful. Therefore, this approach lies at the foundation of our pipeline.

Our pipeline is a complex assembly of dynamic links and dependencies, based on various clustering algorithms, Bayesian regression models, and the time-series analyses. There are two classical approaches: using super-forecasters and the wisdom of the crowd. Based on our experience, the best results come from combining them.

As of today, we work only with the information we receive from our users, and for this reason we can affect the amount of information (the entropy) in our system. We are able to predict errors in users’ financial forecasts and their behavior in various situations.

We have already implemented the MVP of our machine learning pipeline, allowing the processing of inbound data and the daily learning of our models, backtests, and optimisations. Our pipeline is already more accurate on average than the individual votes of our best forecasters.

Currently, we are testing our infrastructure on various financial assets. In the future we are planning to widen and improve our models, to make our system more open to various types of information from financial markets, to conduct various kinds of experiments and research. We are also planning to launch an open technological sprint for our active community participants with the required skills.

Web&App Team Progress

Our analysts are required to check necessary information about financial assets on the desktop in order to make more accurate forecasts. Therefore, a Cindicator web platform for desktop is one of our top priorities.

For the first iteration of our web platform, we have decided to implement basic functions resembling the Cindicator mobile app, including:

  • The ability to vote on all kinds of questions, including on new ranking type of question;
  • Up-to-date basic statistics and Cindicator ratings;
  • Opportunities to open useful links on a big screen, making the work of our analysts easier.

During the beta-tests, we will offer the web platform for 1024 px and higher display resolution. This means that you will be able to use our app on a tablet. In the future, the app will be adaptable to various screen sizes, including smartphone screens.

Arbitrage Bot Team Progress

Very soon our token holders will receive new and better arbitrage bot.

More exchanges will be available:

  • Poloniex;
  • Kraken;
  • Okcoin;
  • Gemini;
  • Bitstamp;
  • Bittrex;
  • Bitfinex;
  • Binance (New);
  • GDAX (New);
  • BTCC (New).

More available assets:

  • Bitcoin;
  • Ethereum;
  • Litecoin;
  • Ripple (New);
  • Bitcoin Cash (New);
  • Dash (New);
  • NEO (New);
  • Monero (New).

There will be opportunities to quickly receive information on asset values and to set notifications on goals (when a certain asset reaches a certain price).

Users will also receive access to the Wiki, where all the capabilities of the bot and instructions are explained.

Your Cindicator Team.

