Quality, not quantity: our idea of Token Sale process

3 min readSep 5, 2017


Dear Cindicator friends!

Today we want to announce a very important decision: there will be no classic open crowdsale on September 12. Instead, we will distribute all the CND tokens through the ongoing White List’s stage.

Why are we doing this?

As we already stated in our Token Sale vision there is a great number of problems inherent to traditional crowdsale procedure, including, but not limited to:

  • Risk of the blockchain overload;
  • Lack of protection from whales and speculators;
  • High risk of scams, phishing and cyber attacks.

Our tokens are utility elements of Cindicator infrastructure — therefore, we must take extra care about protecting our ecosystem from mentioned risks — thus two weeks ago we have started the White List stage. Recent negative experience of some ICOs and the fact that White List process proved to be a great way to achieve our goal — building strong and involved community of token holders — those are two crucial factors that finally persuaded us to completely abandon the initial plan of the crowdsale.

White List Token Sale:

  1. There are four Tiers in the White List’s stage: each tier is different in regard of the maximum and the minimum amount of individual contribution. Each tier has the same token price. There are no bonuses or discount for any tier.
  2. Lists of Tier-1 and Tier-2 participants have already been completed and we informed all the people invited to those tiers. List of Tier-3 will be completed this Friday, September 8th. List of Tier-4 will be completed at the middle of next week.
  3. Tiers will be buying tokens one after one. There is no need to rush and no need to fear — each Tier has its own maximum cap, designed to allow all participants to buy tokens.
  4. There is no sale yet: our smart contract is under audit. Two respectful developers are working on it and we believe that they should take their time. To further increase security, start of each Tier sale will be announced simultaneously in three separate Cindicator’s channels: on Twitter, Telegram and by email.
  5. We will publish the full address of our ETH contract only on the Token Sale page of our website. Parts of our ETH address will be also published on our Twitter, Telegram channel and in the letter. Please make sure that the ETH address on the website consists of those parts before making a transaction.
  6. Members of our team will be available at our official Telegram chat on 24/7 basis during each Tier Sale stage to consult you and answer your question. We will also prepare complete FAQ for the White List Participants.
  7. Each Tier Sale is only accessible for approved participants — we add their ETH addresses to our smart contract and only they can buy tokens.
  8. There are no changes in the maximum hard cap of this Token Sale: it is $15,000,000.

We hope that by conducting our Token Sale in a form of the White List Sale we will be able to make it safe, convenient and fair. We also believe that White List system helps us to create a community which is oriented on long-term synergetic partnership — a necessary condition for sustainable Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem.

Your Cindicator Team.

