Russia’s 25 most promising technology companies

2 min readJul 3, 2017


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Russia’s most promising startups included three teams from GeneraionS startup accelerator from RBC: Cindicator, ExoAtlet and Bioenergy.
Over 40% teams, which were granted an opportunity to present their projects, have 15 and more members. According to Tech Tour, many participants hope to attract 800 mln to €5 mln per stage.

“Normally, mostly IT companies are represented in such events, but now we can observe an uprise of more science-driven and heavy industries, related to manufacturing, green technologies and space industry. We have reflected the changes in a new rating”, said Pavel Korolev, CEO of Pulsar Venture Capital and President of IV Russian Tech Tour.

Over 300 Russian companies submitted applications for public presentation of their projects as part of Russian Tech Tour 2017. 60% of member companies are located in Moscow; another 20% are located in Kazan. According to Tech Tour, the projects selected for presentations reflect Russia’s technological development. Manufacturing and oil and gas sector account for 29% of the selected projects, ICT — for 32%, while environmental technologies account for 16%. The other 23% cover finance, healthcare technologies, space and raw material sectors.

The IV Russian Tech Tour contest takes place from April 25 through April 27.
Tech Tour competition is held every four years in Russia. The first Russian Tech Tour was held in 2004 and the subsequent events included such companies as ABBYY, Acronis, iiko, Ivideon, Parallels and Yandex, according to the organizers.
In March, Inc. reported on the fourth stage of Tech Tour startup competition with US and European investors to take place in Russia.

