Safe and secure Token Sale

2 min readSep 15, 2017


Dear Cindicator friends,

We have always been stating that our top priority is the safety of Cindicator ecosystem and its healthy development.

Just like any big project, Cindicator White List Token Sale became a target for frequent attempts to make quick money in an unfair way.

We have discovered that some unfair participants are trying to sell slots in our White List. In most cases, they turn to be ordinary scammers, who have nothing to do with the project. Unfortunately, there are also real White List participants as well: people who deceived us about their plans for participation in Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem and were accepted. We implement effective counter-measures against those actions, all the swindlers were removed from the White List and their slots were given to other participants.

Such actions are, of course, not only immoral but also contradict our Token Sale agreement — we can and we are blocking those individuals’ ETH address thus excluding them from the White List Token Sale. Furthermore, we will forever ban such individuals from buying our products or interacting with us in any other way.

Kindly note: buying slots from such people or cooperating with them in other way is not only pointless but ultimately leads to loss of your funds. Their ETH addresses are in our blacklist (and we will not tell anyone if some address is blocked), our smart contract will reject any attempt of transactions from it. There is no chance of buying CND tokens this way.

Attempts to sell the slots ultimately hurts all of the participants of the Token Sale. We kindly ask you to inform us of any suspicious activities in our official telegram chat, or by our support email:

We remind you about the security — trust only official Cindicator emails. Remember: we will never ask you to act in haste and we will never send you letters with any special offers. There are no bonuses or discounts in this Token Sale.


Cindicator Team.

