The First Product sprint for active community members

3 min readNov 1, 2017


We are starting our first pilot sprint for the crowd forecasting platform for our active community members. During the last few weeks, we have received many applications from interested participants to join our private Discord channel which will enable serious discussions about ideas and products along with participation in the sprints.

Therefore, we have decided to base the sprints on the following:


  • To acquire and further develop great ideas from community members for improving our existing products and planning new ones;
  • To develop relationships between token holders and the company;
  • To find the hidden gems in our community in order to reinforce our team;
  • To formulate a protocol for continuing experimental interactions with token holders, helping to engage them in the life of Hybrid Intelligence;
  • To create new standards for our decentralised organization, effectively managed by our diverse community, which is interested in the development of technology and the company.

How the first sprint will be conducted?

We have chosen the simplest and most convenient service for the Kanban: Trello. We will send an introduction from Trello to all the participants in the sprint_crowd_forecasting_platform channel in Discord.

By the way, if you are interested in joining our Discord channel, please fill out the form at

Sprint length: 30 days.

Start date: December 1st, 2017 (active members of the community can offer their ideas for a sprint up to this date).

Starting date for voting on the tasks: November 23rd, 2017 (after this date, all new ideas will be considered for the second sprint).

Boards description

Backlog/Ideas: Team members report on a free form concerning the bugs and features found during communications from various Cindicator Discord chats. Author/source must be listed.

Bugs: all the bug-related tasks from the backlog will be listed here by the strict format (as tasks for team members, the guru, or very active token holders), according to best practices. Before the sprint starts, we will allocate some time for all the participants (observers and team members) to vote for the most important tasks. Each participant will have 3 votes. We have added bug-related tasks listed on the Discord application forms (they are not formulated according to the format)

Features: all the features-related tasks from the backlog will be listed here by the strict format (as tasks for team members, the guru, or very active token holders), according to best practices. Before the sprint starts, we will allocate some time for all the participants (observers and team members) to vote for the most important tasks. Each participant will have 3 votes. We have added features-related tasks listed in the Discord application forms (they are not formulated according to the format)

Planning: all the tasks for the new sprint will be moved here, based on the number of votes and the deadlines set by us before the sprint is launched. All the tasks that were not included in the sprint will remain in the backlog and might be included in the next sprint if the community votes for them.

Doing: tasks that are already being worked on in the sprint are to be moved here.

Done: features/bugs that are being uploaded to production.

Efficient communications about various tasks/questions will be conducted on related Discord channels.

For the time being we will launch detailed sprints based on five tracks:

  • ML/Data Science;
  • Trading/analytics;
  • New products;
  • Business development;
  • Marketing & PR.

Then, based on the activities undertaken in the sprints and their value, we will assign scores to token holders and design tangible and intangible motivations for them to participate in these activities. We have already started to design this hierarchical structure which will allow participants (based on the activity chosen and its value) to:

  • Vote for products, technologies, and business development tasks;
  • Fully join the Cindicator team;
  • Gain access to our unique analytical products;
  • Receive financial compensation for their work.

Let’s make the new economy more intelligent,

Cindicator Team.

