The First Public Sprint Has Started: Top 5 voted features go live

3 min readDec 11, 2017


On November 24–30 our community was given an opportunity to vote for tickets (feature requests and bug reports) to be scheduled for implementation in the Cindicator crowd-forecasting mobile application in December. This is one of the steps we are taking to further include our community into the decision-making process at Cindicator — the essential goal is to create valuable products, and what’s a better tool to do this than a simple democratiс vote?

All of the tickets were submitted by our most active community members, both token holders and forecasters, who participated in the closed, moderated Discord channel #crowdforecastingplatfom. As a result of the vote (we call it simply a “public sprint”), 55 tickets received a total of 187 votes (each member could vote for three tickets). Five tickets occupied the first three places (third place was shared by three tickets with nine votes each):

1. 18 votes — A reminder function for newly submitted questions.

2. 11 votes — When you are performing technical work on the platform, don’t just sign the users out and forbid them to enter the app — create a message that stating that technical work is ongoing to improve the app, which will end in XX minutes.

3.1. 9 votes — Notification prompts often do not reroute on the app when it is open to the correct page.

3.2. 9 votes — Bad organization of “past” sessions. It would be better to group all the forecasts already made by the user, separating them from past events not forecasted.

3.3. 9 votes — Improving the motivation scheme for forecasters.

All of these five tickets have now been included in our next iteration’s roadmap — which means that these features are to be shipped by mid-January or earlier. Three more improvements (relating to filters and search, the motivational system, and the statistics screen) were requested by an overwhelming percentage of analysts (~50%) in recent months, and we previously added them to the roadmap. The community can track the progress of developments on the same Trello board.

We believe that implementation of these tasks will drastically improve the UX of the Crowd Forecasting Platform and help analysts be more effective in forecasting and intellectual investing.

We want to take a moment now and salute the contributors of the “winning” tickets: Bernhard Schneider, Alexander Muradov, Tara Menconi, and Celso Valerio Tuzzolo. The ability to identify flaws in a product is one of the most important qualities we seek in our colleagues and partners, and we will reward this contribution in the future when we introduce our special offers for top analysts and community members. Next year we are starting public sprints dedicated to other activity tracks as well (trading, marketing, data science).

The next public sprint for the Crowd Forecasting Platfom will take place in mid-January and will address our February iteration, although the format of the vote will be slightly changed according to the feedback we received during the November vote.

And if you still are not part of our community, click here to join our Discord chat group.

Stay tuned,

Cindicator Team

